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Jennie POV

The evening was silence, Jisoo was already sleeping because of what she drink.

I missed everything even Lisa.

Her teased on nights,

Her kisses on my neck,

The way her hand travelled somewhere on my body,

The way she holds my hand.

Her kissable lips.

Everything on her, I missed it.

I was facing all of the stars, and keeps wishing that everything was just a dream, but it wasn't.

Receiving some messages that I already ignored from Hanbin.

He ruins everything, even Lisa and I happiness.

Tomorrow, Hanbin will come to get us and join him to a flight to New Zealand.

He will proposed  there, and he's going to let me away from Lisa and even Lisa's friends.

I should move on now to Lisa, Lisa was the girl who changed me and accept me from who I was.

I feel what's the true love on her, she keeps me more than a woman to her, more than a person but a special lady from her.

She finds a way to fixed the conflicts between us, because she don't want me to sleep on my friends house.

That's how much Lisa loves me.

But I can't give her something that she can make her happy.

Because I'm a loser

Totally a loser.

I was drinking a wine that I taste from the first time.

I don't know why I've been drinking, even I'm not really good in drinking this kind of alcohol.

So stupid.

I'm so stupid.

Lisa POV

I'm already in the plane, watching some clouds who always following me when I look at it.

Putting my hands at the window and think every scene that I experienced today, it makes me cry.

I closed my eyes, and think how my life started when she marry me in front of the people.

The way I touch her hand and put the ring on her finger, and those lips that touches mine.

I snapped out of my thoughts, when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Calm down." Kai said while handling a tissue paper on me.

I Grab the tissue and I wipe the small tears on my cheeks and I sit properly.

"I miss my family." I mouthed.

"I know you already missed them, but are you sure you're going to faced them when you're not feeling okay?." he asked while eating a pan.

"I don't care if I faced them like this." I blankly said.

"Don't cry if you see them okay?." he asked.

"I don't know if I can do that, but I'll try my best, to not to cry."

3:00pm Thailand.

Arriving on my hometown can make me cry so bad.

I wore a black circle glasses to cover my swollen eyes. And Kai can't stop laughing, because I look weird in my glasses.

[✔]Marrying My Enemy (Book 2)▪️JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now