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Your pov.

Lisa: W-what?

Jungkook: Ji Eun, pour it again.

I smirked and took Lisa's drink and splashed it in her face. She clenched her fists and looked at me and Jungkook.

Lisa: Mr Jeon, why did you tell her to do this?!

Jungkook: Because, she's my fiancée. And I'm not dumb to know that she didn't pour water on you.

Lisa: B-but... she- I...

Jungkook: You're fired. She's back in your position.

She then points at me angrily.



She covered a side of her cheeks and looked at me shocked.

Ji Eun: All I gave you today will never be enough to make up for what you have done.

Jungkook took my hand and left Lisa at the table, still in anger and shock. We got on the car and was on our way to the comic café.

Jungkook: Did you...

Ji Eun: I did.

Jungkook: No wonder you were so calm.

Ji Eun: She need it. She needs to be cleaned.

Jungkook: Because she's dirty?

I smiled as a response.

Jungkook: Actually, how did you get out of your "depressed" state?

Ji Eun: I met a man that changed my life. When he didn't like me back yet, he made me determined to change his mind. And I know that my "depressed" state will not do any better.

Jungkook: I love you.

Ji Eun: I love you too.

He smiled sweetly. We reached the comic café and ordered some drinks. We read for some time when a gunshot was heard. He held me tight and assured me that everything will be alright.

But I wasn't afraid. We hid behind a bookshelf since the exits were blocked and the attackers came in.

My phone vibrated and it was Jin oppa's message.


Jin oppa💕: Be careful. Appa is injured by them, they're now after you. I'm coming to you.

Jungkook: Who was that?

Ji Eun: Jin oppa. My appa is injured. These people are after me.

Jungkook: What?! Why?!

Ji Eun: I have no idea. But we will be fine. Jin oppa is coming to get us.

Jungkook: He knows where you are?

Ji Eun: I have a tracker in my phone.

We immediately kept quiet when we heard footsteps coming towards us.

Jungkook pov.

I held Ji Eun close to me and waited for the person to show up.

The footsteps were getting heavier as the person got closed. He showed up from behind the bookshelf.


He tumbled backwards, lifeless. I took a deep breathe and looked at Ji Eun. She looked back at me.

Ji Eun: You can aim well.

Jungkook: You too.

The attacker had two bullets shot at the same area on his forehead. But I can't believe Ji Eun have a random gun in her bag.

Ji Eun: I didn't know that you have gun in your coat.

Jungkook: Do you think he's the only one?

Ji Eun: It doesn't matter anymore.

Then, loud rounds of bullets were heard,people screaming and glass shattering. I hug her and covered her head in case anything hits her.

Jin: JI EUN!!

Jin hyung ran to us to make sure that we're alright.

Ji Eun: Oppa, who were they?

Jin: Uh...

Ji Eun: It's fine, Jungkook is one of us.

Jin: You're a mafia too?!

Jungkook: I- I... yeah.

Ji Eun: You're "Shadow".

Jungkook: You're "Rexy".

Jin: Wow, you know each other's coded names?

Jungkook: Jin hyung, what's yours?

Ji Eun: "Princess".

I giggled and got smacked by Jin hyung.

Jin: What?! I like that name.

Jungkook: Um... okay. Then who's "Prince"?

Ji Eun: Kim Namjoon. He's Jin's boyfriend.

I widen my eyes in surprise. Jin frowns playfully.

Ji Eun: Yep. Now, who was after us?

Jin: "Black eagle" wants to take revenge after he's father's death.

Jungkook: But didn't he's father die from heart attack?

Ji Eun: He did, but the murderer made it happen.

Jungkook: Wow, that's...

Jin: Appa is at the hospital. He said to take care of "Black eagle" as soon as possible.

Jungkook: We'll make a plan. And we'll kill him.

Jin: No, this time, the police are investigating this matter as well. We just have to capture him.

Jungkook: Game on.

My Fake Fiancée (Jungkook FF)Where stories live. Discover now