Ep 10 SORRY !

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Kriss found kazaki and grabbed her by the wrist " hey why the hell would be with Tatsuya " he said mad knowing she didn't like Tatsuya because he was a bully " I'm sorry okay he said and If I had sex with him he would stop bulling you guys and leave you alone " she said crying and kriss sighed " don't do that okay please don't it's fine me,cage,and Aj will be fine just please never do that " kriss said and hugged her tight " where's Aj " she said and kriss pointed towards the nurse office and she walked towards the office and cage walked up " he about to get some ASS !! " he said and kriss laughed " no no not yet I don't think she is thinking about that right now " he said and cage sighed " so want to go listen to music and cry because we will die lonely and sad because we are a bunch of fuckin losers "cage Said and kriss sighed " fuck it " he said and they were off

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