The beginning

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Blake's pov
I never really fit in where every I went no matter what I did or how nice I was to people they always hated me not that I tired to fit in anymore. I'm 13 and am in the last quarter of the 4th marking period I've been in iss all day or in school suspension it's honestly bull shit they have me sit here for hours and expect me to be passing my classes. There was another girl in her Sarah I've never really talked to her like most people she seemed okay honestly she looked kind of cute. Her hair was cut short kind of like a bob cut but a little longer and had black glasses she was wearing black leggings with a white t shirt, she also black hair and green eyes and because of her black hair it really brought out her eyes.
Sarah's pov
I was ready to die of boredom I was in iss for yelling at this girl at my lunch table for calling another girl a slut I wasn't her friend but I didn't need to be. There was another kid in here same age as me he had black hair faded at the sides with bangs and a Adidas jacket on with jeans. I could tell he really didn't want to be in here almost as much as me. "So are you guys learning your lesson yet." Mrs.leoperd taunted at Blake and I. It didn't really mean anything to me but I could tell it made Blake angry. He was in here for fighting another kid he got pushed into the wall and this kid had been messing with him since Blake got here. He's been in and out of schools his whole life luckily from what I was told Blake won the fight but if course he was the one who got in trouble. "Will you shut the hell up already you act like I wanted to fight." Blake shot back. "That is enough Blake Taylor." Mrs. Leopard shot back. She circled around the room for a few seconds before she stopped next to me and smelled me which I thought was weird but nothing compared to what happened next.
Blake's pov
The teacher stopped and out of no where smelled Sarah. "You smell like the sea dear." Mrs.leopard said in a weirdly seductive voice. After Saying that she asked to see Sarah in another room because she had to ask her something. I waited a few minutes and decided that I was gonna go make sure they were ok and by they I ment Sarah because that sea stuff was a little creepy. "I know what you are child." Mrs Leopard purred into Sarah's ear. "What are you talking about what do you mean you know what I am?" Sarah responded back luckily none of them had seen me. They were in a old unused classroom  I was listening in behind the door. "Let us not play dumb daughter of one of the big three I can smell your power, power you do not even have control over yet." Mrs Leopard responded. At this point I looked through the window and saw Sarah rightfully freaked out and not gonna lie I would've been too. Mrs Leopard then started changing if that even makes since she had a kind of mini stroke until she turned into what I thought was a harpy. She looked like something right out of god of war or some kind of villain in a Disney movie but this was very very real. She dashed at Sarah who barely dodged in time she had razor fangs and claws. Now your probably thinking that I ran away like a smart person just pretend I didn't see anything but no instead I ran head first into a fight to be honest I didn't really think about it I just ran in and football tackled my old half teacher half monster as we slammed to the ground she hissed at me with rage she grabbed me by my arm which started to bleed and threw me into a desk which let me tell you hurt like hell.

Sarah's pov
Blake had distracted Mrs Leopard and I for sure owned him one but he had lost the fight and now she had her full attention me she charged me and my ADHD went into fight mode keep in mind I had never been in any fight of any kind with anyone but it didn't matter it was like I was born for this she came at me with her left hand high above swinging at me with it I ducked under turned around and she was looking at me she was fast way faster than I was I thought about running but decided that Blake came her to protect me I can't just leave him. As my ex teacher was about to eat my throat out a bronze sword slashed her chest she roared in pain. In front of me was Dallas Anderson he was a grade ahead of us in 9th a freshmen he looked calm like he had done this before he took a stance and raised his sword "hurt them and I'll slay you I swear it on the river of Stix." Dallas spat at Mrs Leopard. She charged at him he ducked under and in on quick motion fast as lightning cut her head off.

Blake's pov
I woke up to see Dallas Anderson with a sword and Mrs Leopard turning into dust. Dallas put the sword in his back pack and said " follow me more will come."

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