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Maanvi's POV


I wake up around 7 and freshup and sit down in the balcony with my coffee and my laptop. I check some news and my mails. I do some work for my blog post which has various topics that I like to write on. It's almost 8:30 by the time I finish my work and Jaanvi has still not woken up, so I go into her room and jump on her bed " savera hogaya( its morning) utt mere sleeping beauty( get up my sleeping beauty)" she just groans but wakes up after threating her. In half an hour she gets ready and comes out of her room. " chal (come) lets go have breakfast and then drop me of at my office" she orders me. I fake salute her " yes mam!" we laugh and off we go.

We go to the small café near Jaanvi's office. Her office starts at 10AM so we have our breakfast and I come home and Jaanvi goes to her office. I go home and film video for my YouTube channel which was left in middle yesterday. I set up my camera and start filming .

" Hi guys , this is your happy and cheerful Maanvi Gupta and welcome back to my channel. Today I'm going to be answering some your lovely people's questions from my twitter and YouTube page. So let's jump right in. So the first question is from from xxmanxx and he or she asks "what was your best childhood memory ?" "Hmm.. probably all the fun times during festivals with all the cousins is the memory I have." "Ok so the next question is from username1212 he or she asks "what was or is your inspiration when you started ?" and also another related question is from username1234 asks " what was the reason to start the youtube channel?" " the first inspiration I got was from my aunt who loves travelling the world but she can't as her health doesn't cooperate . And the partial reason for starting a youtube channel is for the people who loves travelling but can't go due to time or money. And also the other reason is I myself love travelling and visiting new places and knowing about their culture." I smile at the camera thinking of the memories . " so the next question is from bluebird , he or she asks" do you have any pets. If no would you like to have one?" " so my answer is no . I don't have pets but I would love to have a dog someday." " so the next question is from Rose and she asks " have you ever been recognized in public and has it ever annoyed you?" " to be honest with you not many people recognize me at the first glance but yeah I do meet some fans on the streets. And I never met anyone rude so, it doesn't annoy me. I love meeting people and talking to them, so, if you ever find me on the street your welcome to say hi! And chat. I would love that!" I wink at the camera and continue reading the questions from the phone. I smile reading the next question ," so the next question is from Amith and he asks "are you single?" " I'm pretty much single and not looking for someone at the moment ." " and here is another question from Ruhi and she asks " how do you deal with hate comments?" " to be frank I ignore the comments because at the end of the day they are just people sitting behind the screen writing something which isn't true. I read some positive comments where I can improve myself to reach more people.". " Ok the next question is an interesting one , this is from travel lover, he or she asked " what is the worst moment in life that now you look back and laugh at it?" I think for a few seconds recollecting what had happened. " So it was an incident that happened during the first day of university. I was just casually taking photos from my camera and some senior decided it was ok to dash me and so I had to put up a fight with senior which I think about it now I feel its very funny" " here is the last question guys from dazeldazzy and she asks " what were the best moments in college?" " the best memories are sneaking out with friends and eating panipuri ( a snack items , famous in India) or icecream during midnights and talking until late in the night . These are some of the best things you could ever experience in the college days." " So guys that's it for the questions and answers segment. Hope you'll enjoyed this video and don't forget to like,share and subscribe to.......... See you in the next video, until then this is me Maanvi Gupta signing off. "Byeeeeeee! and Love you all" . I switch off the camera and change into normal clothing and eat a light lunch and sit down and start editing my video. Its almost 4 in the evening by the time I complete the editing. I get up and clean up before Jaanvi comes. I take my phone and watch some youtube videos and casually relax.

Its almost 6:00 pm and I can't get hold of Jaanvi. I call her for the 20th time and finally she picks up. " Arey anu I'm sorry yar. I'm very busy in office and I forgot to call you. I'll come home by 8:30pm ,ok? Bye!"and just like that she hangs up not even letting me say something. I sigh and make some dinner for us. I make the classic indian dish "Roti"( indian bread made with flour) and curry. At almost 8:45 pm Jaanvi comes home looking like someone who has not took bath for 3 days . Her hair is a mess. She greets me with a nod and goes to freshen up. We eat in silence and I can see that Jaanvi has a lot in her mind. I clean up and sit beside her on the sofa and she gets startled seeing me. I take her hands in mine and look at her , "what happened Jaanu. Why are you looking so tensed? Is everything ok?" she looks at me with a sad look and says " actually there is a interview scheduled with the youngest billionaire and we still don't have a perfect person to interview him. And also it's a very rare opportunity as he usually doesn't accept interviews." Jaanvi works as the personal assistant(PA) to the CEO of "VOGUE INDIA". She got this job soon after graduation as she is so tanlented. " Why are you so tensed , there might be capable people in your office right?" . She gives me a disapproving look and shakes her head " all those people are worst now. All they will do is flirt with the person. Actually we had a screening of their rough draft of questionnaire and all of them have questions like " are you single?" "when are you getting married?" and more worst like "can I be your birde?" etc etc...... ugh! I'm getting irritated. But I submitted their draft to CEO so he can also see what they are up to." She says with her hands catching her head . I just pat her back in assurance that it will be ok. " Anu I have to find a person by tomorrow and then have rehearsals and so on.... What do I do Anuu where do I find the person." She buries her head in the sofa pillows and screams loudly. I just let her be to take out her frustration. Suddenly she face me with a evil look on her face. I look at her confused. "Anu you're my best friend in the entire world ." she starts off , I already feel something fishy " spit it out Jaanvi . What do you what?'' she smiles sheeepily " can you write a rough draft by tomorrow and I'll show to my boss with the other papers. Plz na meri jaan ( please , my life. It is common phrase) I'll do anything you want but do this one help." She gives me her puppy dog eyes expression. And shakes me holding my shoulder. " ok! Ok! Meri maa ( my mom) I'll write but before I need to research about him to ask him questions. Who is he anyway?" she jumps up and down " yay ! oh and his name is Ishaan Malhotra. Will you be able to complete it by morning?" " hmm ill do it for you. But only this ONE TIME!" I say pointing a finger at her. She just hugs me and I go into my room and sit in front of my computer and prepare myself for a nightout.

Maanvi's outfit

Maanvi's outfit

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Hi guys. Hope you enjoy this chapter. 2 days in and the story already has ranks. Thank you so much.

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