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I wake up at around 5:00 am and I do my regular exercise for about an hour and then I sit in the balcony with my coffee and read the news and also check my comment section under my social media and blog. At around 6:30 Jaanvi wakes up and as soon as she sees me she starts scolding me " tu aab tak ready Nahi hue? ( you didn't get ready till now) are you mad ?" she pulls me inside my room and stands in front of the closet  " have you decided what to wear? " I shrug "I'll just wear some jeans and some formal top " she shakes her head and starts pulling all the clothes from my cupboard. "ughh Jaanu I just cleaned my closet " I whine. she doesn't care and pushes me into the washroom to do the bath. " I will never trust you in this matter" she shouts from outside. within 30 minutes I'm out of the washroom and I see jaanu has taken out one of her pencil skirts and a white formal shirt. " meri Jaan I love you but I'm not wearing a pencil skirt." " why not anu it looks classy and also it shows off your figure and maybe you will find a boyfriend" she says so casually that I throw a pillow at her. Don't get me wrong I do wear pencil skirts but I don't want to show up the first day wearing a pencil skirt. we argue for some time and we settle for formal pants with the formal white shirt. 

By 8 I'm out of the house and I have an appointment at 9 and it only takes about half an hour to get there. I stop in a small cafe near the office and take some breakfast to eat . I reach the office 10 mins early so that's good. I go near the reception " excuse me ?"  the receptionist looks at me " hi how may I help you?"  "I'm maanvi Gupta and I was casked to meet at 9:00 am" " let me check mam" she looks something up in the computer " mam please wait in the lobby, I'll let Yash sir know that you are here and he will talk to you" I thank her and go and sit in the lobby. 

after a few minutes, I see someone walking out of the elevator. I stare at him for a few seconds and suddenly I shake my head to pull myself together. I put on a professional smile as I saw he was coming near me.  I stand up when he comes near me. " hi I'm Yash and I'm the assistant director for this project. " he introduces himself and puts his hand forward for shaking hands. " hi I'm Maanvi Gupta" I forward my hand. he smiles "I know who you are darling " Yash sir says in a teasing tone and  I look at him confused and a bit taken back. " I saw your interview with Ishaan," he says seeing me confused. I smile. "follow me" he says and walks to the elevator. I follow him and he presses the 30th floor. I secretly stare at him from the corner of my eye and think to myself " how can someone be born with this kind of beauty. I envy him " Yash sir caught me staring and smiles and I lower my head in embarrassment " his smile is beautiful," I think in my head. we reach the floor and he takes me into a small room besides what looks like a board room. 

I fiddle with my ring as it's awkward sitting in silence. if your wondering Yash sir is still in the room on his phone chatting. "maybe his girlfriend" I think to myself. I look around the room and it's very cozy and posh. Yash sir starts a conversation after a few mins and we talk for about 20 mins about each other's interests and he questions me about random stuff. I excuse myself to go to the washroom and he was about to say something but was cut off by his phone. I signal that I find the washroom myself. I walk out only to bump into someone and I stumble a bit back. I about to turn to apologize but I hear a cold deep voice  go  "watch where you are walking miss"


* previous day*

currently, I'm on the way to the office. today is a very busy day as yesterday was the last day of the online contest so we will be selecting the winner today. I reach the office in 20 mins and go directly to the main board room. in 10 min all the board directors and the investors gather around in the room for the selection.  " good morning everyone. today I'm going to explain the selection process which we wanted to introduce for this competition. " I say. I continue " so how the selection works is all you will be shown the designs and the majority of the design with the votes gets qualified for the next round and we have 5 rounds. the name of the designer will not be revealed as it may bring bias in your decision .thank you". I take my seat and Yash gets a Pendrive with all the designs and puts in the projector.

we soon begin the process and there were over 1000's of designs that were submitted online and it was a combined decision. it takes about 3 hours to eliminate and get down to the last 5 designs that made into the final round. " so everyone, this is the last round and the design with majority votes will be chosen." after a long discussion for about 45 min everyone selects the final design.

 I thank each and every member and finally when everyone leaves I go and lie down on the sofa in my office. I close my eyes " Yash contact the winner and let them know that we will be starting the project officially from tomorrow." " sure" Yash says and goes to the landline on the computer table to call and tell it to someone as he is very lazy to do it himself. I and Yash finish the final touches for tomorrow and at 10 pm I'm finally home and I just skip my dinner and freshen up and just go to sleep as tomorrow is a very long day....

Maanvi's outfit 

Hi guys, here is another chapter of inked with love

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Hi guys, here is another chapter of inked with love. so I have decided to post the chapters every 4 days instead of every Sunday. I hope you enjoy the chapter and please leave your suggestions in the comments. don't forget to vote if you like it. so how do you guys think the story will progress...

lots of love,

Ashley ❤

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