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I turn around to see, it was none other than Ishaan Malhotra himself. He just walks in like he owns this place ( not in a bad way). He has so much confidence aura around him. I was in AWW struck looking at him. The pictures on the website don't do any justice to his physique. I come out of my daze when my eyes meet his. I just greet him with a "hello" and he just gives me a nod. I elbow at Jaanu in the stomach as she is beside me to come of her dreamland. She shakes her head and introduces herself to him as he is a few feet away from us. " Hello, Sir I'm Jaanvi personal assistant of Mr. Raj Sir. Nice to meet you." They shake hands and then she introduces me " this is Maanvi and she will be interviewing you today. She is also the photographer today." I shake hands with him.

It's been half an hour since we started our shoot and I'm pretty happy with my work today and it seems that Mr.Malhotra is also happy with my work as he was slightly smirking while looking at the pictures. We move locations and an hour in the shoot is over.

We sit down on a sofa to start the interview. I wanted to discuss with him about the questions but his P.A wanted to wrap up the interview quickly. As soon I get the que from Jaanvi I start the interview " Hi guys this is Maanvi Gupta and we have a very special guest joining us in the studio today. He is a person who could be called a "self-made man" with zeal and enthusiasm to reach great heights in the world of business and is a role model for many youngsters who take him as an inspiration. Please welcome Ishaan Malhotra. I turn to him and ask " how are you today?" he nods before saying " I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

" so the first question is, so recently you won the youngest billionaire award. congrats on that. So what is the secret behind your success?" I ask looking at him. We make eye contact " thank you and the secret is to work hard and have passion for the work you love. You will get great results." he gives me a polite smile. " so the next question is now that would you like to expand your chain of hotels? and what are your future plans with the company?" "Of course I would love to explore and expand the chain, I'm just searching for the right time. As of now, the future plans are we're planning of exploring various new fields and in the next 2 years we've also planned to open new hotels in Hyderabad, Chennai and also internationally in New York and Paris." " I wish you luck, Sir. And the next question is, Are you interested in trying out other fields in the business?" " Yes we recently started an interior design company with the experts in the field and so far it has been a great success and good feedback from the customers." " Another question is you told that the employees are experts in the field, so would you consider a non-expert or just out of college student as an employee?" I could see a little smirk at the corner of the mouth, if you were not paying attention you would not be able to notice it. " we select people based on talent and as of for the experts, we chose them to guide and help the other to bring out their compassion in designing. We have selected students from various universities who have passion for their work." " Last but not least do you have anything to say to all the people watching this interview?" " I just want to tell that if you love and are passionate about your work, there is no one in the world who can stop you from doing it. And I believe that the harder you work, the luckier you are" ." So guys that the end of the interview. I hope you guys enjoyed it and special thanks to Mr. Isshan Malhotra sir for doing this interview. See you next time. Bye." We end the video and I stand up and shake by hand with Ishaan sir " it was a pleasure to meet you" and he gives me a small smile " thank you for the interview. I'm really amazed by the interview, did you prepare the question yourself?". I smile and nod " yes sir. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview." He just nods and was about to ask something but his secretary says something to him and he just nods and " I'll take my leave, I have something to do." We bid him goodbye. As soon as he leaves Jaanvi pulls my arm, " Maanu how can someone be so handsome. I'm so jealous of all the girls near him." She makes a dreamy face. I just shake my head and leave her to dream and start packing the stuff. I almost finish packing and Jaanvi is still in her dreamland. " Do I have to remind you that if I tell my Jeju what will happen you know?" I said lightly pushing her head . she pouts " My Dhruv is the best. But he also knows about it. I'm loyal to him and love him." " haha meri, ma you guys are world's best couple. You're making me feel bad for my single life." We pack and leave the studio.

I go home and Jaanvi goes to the company to keep the equipment and give the report. I reach home within an hour and change and sit and start editing the video as the CEO gave me the opportunity to edit it myself. By the time I edit half the video jaanvi comes home. " meri Jaan I have a special gift for you for your hard work" she shouts coming through the front door . " kya hai meri Jaan" " I brought pav baji ( an Indian snack with bread and curry ) from your favorite shop and some noodles. LETS PARTY !" I hug her and take the covers from her hand as she goes and gets changed. I put them in plates and sit in front of the TV. " what do we have on Netflix that we can watch?" Jaanu asks sitting beside me. " I don't know ." we find something, something to see!

Within an hour we finish eating and go to bed early as we both were tried. 

Hi guys , here is another chapter of the story. Hope you enjoy.  If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments section. Like and share❤
Ashley ❤

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