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Today is Saturday i.e Yash's birthday.  I go to the office as usual and I get my evening clothes with me as Yash told me, going back and forth is a problem so we are going to his house which is nearby. Jaanvi came back to India a few days back and she told me I was their wedding planar along with other planners who Dhruv assigned. I would be planning all the things and the rest when guests come the planner will take care of it. The wedding is in about a month and we have to start shopping for her wedding. 

At around 10 I go into the board room and occupy my usual seat and go through the meeting papers.  We finished designing the rooms and the VIP lounge and the outside area. Today we will discuss the main hall and sitting area. As I was going through Siddharth sir comes and sits next to me and peeks from above my shoulder to see what I was looking at. I move a little and turn towards him with an expression "what the hell" he just puts an innocent face like it was not wrong.  " Are you coming in the evening?" " yes, otherwise Yash is going to kill me" I tell him. Soon we start the meeting and it goes on for about 2 hours. 

During the whole day, Siddharth sir keeps coming and talking to me whether it is about work or how the "weather" is. I want you to understand that it is not that I hate him or something but he is weird. We do have some same hobbies and interests but I just feel weird. It is around 5 pm and I was about to finish my work and I felt thirsty and had no water in my bottle so as  I was about to get up to take some water Siddharth quickly brings me his water and all the girls start to glaze at me with evil eyes. I ignore them as it is their daily business. Whenever Siddharth sir is near me I can feel their gaze shooting holes in my brain. I thank him for the water and before he could say anything else, " MAANU! LET'S GO" Yash shouts on top of his voice. I excuse myself and go to Yash. 

Currently, we are in Yash's house and are getting ready. I and Ishaan's assistant ( Raina)came to Yash's house to change as her house is also far away. By 7:30 we are all ready and go to the club. It takes us about 20 mins to get there and it's already crowded. Yash booked the whole upper section of the club for his birthday. Yash is dressed in a black suit that has a golden pattern all over it. I think to myself " only he can pull it off". As soon as we enter I could see a lot of people coming and greeting Yash. I move aside from him and go to the side with Raina. As we stand to the side and chat with each other Siddharth sir comes and stands very close to me and greets Raina and turns towards me  " you look beautiful tonight maanvi". I just smile politely "thank you sir" he shakes his head " don't call me sir. we are not in the office" he says. By this time Yash comes and pulls my hand from behind. " what's going on here?"  Yash comes and pulls my hand " come with me. I'll make you meet my friends". he doesn't give me time to answer he just pulls me. As soon we come to a little distance he lets go of my hand and I take a deep breath. " no need to thank me" Yash flatters himself. I just nod as a thank you. He puts his hand on the back of my waist and takes me to his friend's circle. I feel comfortable around Yash as he is my self proclaimed best friend and it is ok for him to keep his hands on my waist.  We pass a lot of people to go to their friend's table. As soon as the table comes into my vision I could see Ishaan sitting at the table talking to one of the guys. As we reach the table Yash shouts " guys this is maanvi. my best friend" I just give a small smile as all eyes were on me. From the corner of the eye, I could see Ishaan glazing at Yash's hand on my waist and Yash's face. I think Yash also noticed that and immediately removes his hand. He introduces all his friend's names. One of the guys whose name I don't remember says "we know who she is dude. If you don't know who maanvi Gupta is, then you are living under a rock" as soon as he finishes everyone in the group agrees and I just say " thank you". Yash pushes one of his friends inside and we sit on the sofa and they resume their discussion from before we came.

It's close to 12 pm now and everyone is half-drunk or fully drunk and having fun on the dance floor. Yash's friends were nice enough to include me in their conversation and they ask me about my career and also about my youtube and blog stuff. Yash has left after 20 min before to dance floor with some of his friends. Currently, I'm sitting drinking my cola as I don't drink alcohol. Ishaan is sitting with his friend across me having a very deep conversation. As I was about to take another sip of my drink, Siddharth comes out of nowhere and bends down to my level as I was sitting down and whispers in my ear " can you come outside, I have something to tell you" I nod and follow him outside the balcony the club has. "what is it sir?" I ask as soon as we go outside. Siddharth checks his watch and then looks up.

" I wanted to tell you something. since the day you bumped into me in the coffee shop, I have always wanted to see you again and again. you occupied my thoughts and dreams since then. when I got the gift you gave me I have been wearing it since. I went to the coffee shop daily hoping to see there at least once. I was disappointed at the thought of not seeing you again and I almost lost all the hope. but when I saw that you were there in the project, I was very excited to meet you again and I hoped you remembered me and as expected you remembered the Broche you gave me. I was very happy that my happiness has no bounds. I was jealous that you didn't give me much attention and also you would talk to Yash so casually but you call me sir. I wanted to get close to you in every chance I got. I just wanted to say that I---"

Siddharth was cut off by the fireworks outside and I could see Yash and all his friends outside in the other balcony. As the fireworks were about to end I turn towards Siddharth sir and shout " what were you about to tell?" "I LIKE YOU! CAN YOU  BE MY GIRLFRIEND?" he shouts and suddenly the fireworks stop and it was heard very loudly but it could not be heard till the other balcony. I stare at him in shock as no one ever confessed to me before. It takes me a couple of minutes to come out of the shock and as I was about to say something I was cut off by Siddharth " don't tell me your answer now only. You can take a couple of days also." I shake my head and was about to answer him but someone from behind shout " NOOOOOOO!" I turn back in shock on who heard our conversation and look to see and its........... 

      Yash's outfit

      Yash's outfit

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Maanvi's outfit

Maanvi's outfit

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Lots of love,
Ashley ❤

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