My Water, My Savior

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Or........'Maybe.... No way!.... It's a SOMEONE?!' I thought as I slowly looked at the 'someone' I was hugging. My face immediately froze as I saw his face.....

It was..... "KISE-KUN?!?" I screamed. My face was getting redder by the second.

"BWAHAHA!!!!!!! Mika-chan likes Ki-chan!" Momoi-chan exclaimed running around my room, probably laughing her heart out as my cheeks grew even hotter.

"N-no I don't! I just thought Kise-kun was my stuffed toy!" I denied.

"O-hohoho... And how DID he seem like a stuffed toy?" Momoi-chan questioned me. I remained silent. Not knowing what to say.

"Hehehe... See, so it was on purpose!"

"NO! I-it's just cause...... Cause.... Kise-kun is like my stuffed toy ya know! See! My toy is just as big." I said as I pointed to my life-like pink colored bunny that's on my bed. Momoi-chan looked at me with disbelief.

"A-and it smells like Kise-kun, plus, it's cute like him too!" I said as I pinched Kise-kun's super red cheeks. I guessed that my prideful side took over. '*sigh* I really have to control my pride....' I thought until Akashi interrupted my thoughts.

"I'll be leaving." He said as he left the room. Momoi-chan approached me and said,

"Mika-chan, I think you better go after Akashi-kun." Momoi-chan said

"B-but! Why me?" I asked

"Just do it!" Momoi-chan said as she shoved ME out of MY, I repeat, MY, room! I had no other choice but to look for Akashi-kun.

I ran though the halls, looked in each of the rooms, and every nook and cranny in the mansion but unfortunately, no red head was in sight. I decided to take a break and get some air. I went out to the garden filled with flowers like, irises, tulips, dandelions, sunflowers, carnations, and roses. As I looked closer, specifically on the bush of roses (a/n: is that right? XD) I noticed a bit of red hair sticking out behind the bush. Instantly, I knew, Akashi-kun was hiding there.

I slowly sneaked up to the certain red head but before I could take another step closer, he immediately stood up and pulled me into a tight hug. I tried to push him away but it only made his hug tighter, like he doesn't want to let me go. His face was buried on the crook of my neck. I could feel his breath caressing my skin.

"Why?........ Why are you doing this to me?" He said in a broken tone.

"........" I stayed silent, not knowing what he meant.

"Why? Why is it that you're far beyond my reach? Why......... Why don't you love me? Am I that unlikable?" And as he said that, I could feel hot, wet droplets of water falling on my shoulder.

"Akashi-kun...." I was speechless. All I could think of was to hear him out, so I hugged him back. My right hand running up and down his back as so to soothe him.

"Shh... It's ok, it's ok. Tell me what's wrong. You can always have my shoulder to lean on." I said as we stood up then sat down at a nearby bench. I slung my arm around his neck as he leaned on my shoulder.

"My mom..... I-I miss her so much. Her support, her understanding, her presence,......... her love." Akashi said as the tears in his eyes never cease to fall down.

"We were happy, but she--"

"--she left me. It's all my fault! If only I knew about it but instead, we played basketball together everyday even though she knew she had an incurable disease. I-if only I knew..... I could've stayed with her for a bit longer. I could've....." He started to wail loudly as I, myself, started to tear up.

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