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-Author's POV-

"OI! Wake up, wake up!! It's time to go to school!" A boy yelled storming into his sister's room, uninvited.

"Nnggh.... I don't wanna.." The girl complained weakly as she used her blanket to cover her face .

"Hmph! Okaa-san! Otou-san!! She won't--" The boy mock hollered but was interrupted.

The girl sat up in an instant hurriedly saying "Shh!!! Okay okay! I'm up! Sheesh " as she grumpily got out of bed and lightly punched her brother in the gut.

"Ack...*cough cough* ehehe...T-that always works. Ok! Get ready. Kaijou is a long way."

"Yeah yeah." And with that, the boy went out as she started doing her morning routine. She finally finished and went downstairs. She sat on the table and happily ate her breakfast until her mother started a conversation.

"So, dear, why Kaijou? I mean, not that it's too expensive, but we are just wondering." Her mom asked, curiosity leaking out, as they all sat at the table.

"Eh? Well, I don't know..... I think it'd be a good place to start a year ?" The girl answered as she ate a spoonful of eggs and bacon.

"But, how about Rakuzan? It's the best school there is. Or Serin? Shutoku? Yosen? Touou? You really don't want to go on any of these other schools?" Her mother asked her for confirmation.

"Nah." She confirmed as she finished her breakfast.

"I'm off! C'mon Onii-san!" And soon the two happily tread to Kaijou.

Finally, they arrived to their destination. The two marveled at the prestigious sight of the school. The lawn was perfectly trimmed, no litter in sight. The school was extrordinary! It has a football field, basketball courts, volleyball courts, badminton, tennis, name it and they have it!!!

"Ne, Onii-san, why didn't you go with Onee-san to Serin? I'm fine on my own ya know." The girl questioned her brother, not wanting her brother to attend a school he might not have wanted to attend just because of her.

"I promised her I'd keep you safe. Why? You don't want me near you?" He said as he pouted at his sister successfully changing the subject.

"Hahahah! Onii-san, that's not even a pout! You look like you're constipated!" The girl laughed as her brother just glared playfully at her.

"....ah.... So, when will class start?" The girl asked when her laughter started dying down.

"Well, let's see. Around 8:00."

"Hm... Okay. Two hours huh? That's a long time! Ne, can I walk around campus?" The girl asked, not wanting to be bored out of her mind for two long hours.

"I'll come with you."

"Ah... No. I can handle myself. You'll just distract me." And the brother, again, pouted as the girl laughed and ran to the entrance.

"OI!!!! Come back here!!" But his sister was already far from where he is standing. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

".... What will I do with you ?...." And with that, he entered campus.

-xxxxxx's POV-

I ran away from Onii-san recently.. HAHAHAH!! You should've seen his face.

I am currently going on a tour around the school, yup! I am definitely not lost and wandering hoping to find someone who could help me...(tell the truth) Fine, I'm currently lost. Yep. Woohoo! Then maybe I'll discover a closet that leads to Narrnia! Or maybe a bunch of pirates will kidnap me and take me to Neverland! XP so yeah... I'm lost. In a BIG. SUPERFRICKINGASSBIG school! Well, let's explore more!!! (Gosh I sound like Dora.... X.X)

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