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hi guys! it's been 2 months and a half i think since i last updated this book! sorry for the really late update, i've been busy because we have so many projects to submit and this Christmas break is the only time where i can relax and update my stories.



"eomma i'm going to be late, the service is still not here."

i looked at my phone and there was a message. "your service informed that they got their tire flat, i'll just take you there." i told her and took the keys.

as soon as she opened the gate, jungkook's car showed up. "what's the problem?"

"areum's service can't take her to school right now, i'm just going to send her--"

"i'll drive her." he cutted me off. i looked at areum and she gave me a small smile.

"just text me if you got a practice or something, i still need to take care of your unnies, they are still sleeping."

"araseo." she kissed my cheek before going inside her father's car. i waved at them and went inside the house again.

the unnies are awake now, except nayeon unnie who is still sleeping and mina unnie, she is with jimin oppa. about the oppas, they stayed at the hotel where jungkook is staying, jimin oppa and mina unnie shared a room 'cause you know.

"argh my head hurts."

"i think someone slammed my head onto the wall."

"god! it hurts like fucking hell!"

"gosh i won't drink again!"

and yes, they got drunk, as soon as we got home, they started drinking some hard drinks.

"what do you guys wanna eat? areum went to school already." i asked as i put on my apron.

"a soup will do, tzu." jihyo unnie said. "okay unnie, i'll cook some fried rice too and sunnyside up eggs."

they all nodded. jeong unnie went to the fridge and drink some water.

"tzu, areum texted. said she's on the school already."

i just nodded and focused on cooking.



"are you hungry, areum?" i asked her.

"aniyo." she answered and looked outside. i sighed and focuse on driving.

"is your school near?" i asked since i don't really know the way, i just volunteered because i think we need to talk.

"a little, but there's always traffic." she answered. "turn right at the first signage and then left and after two streets, turn left and there's our school."

i just nodded at her. "areum." i called. "ne?"

"are you mad at me?" i asked. "areum."

"i was, because you hurted eomma." she said in a small voice.

i sighed and turned the wheel, i saw her school. "you are just in time." i looked at her. "areum, i'll do everything just to get you and your eomma back, appa is sorry for what he did and i'll do my best to gain your trust again."

i held her hand. "take care, baby." i put a kiss on her forehead and smiled at her.

"araseo." i watched her get out from my car and walked inside their school.

after the school's gate closed, i drive back to the hotel.

the hyungs are already awake and they are eating. even jimin hyung and mina are here.

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