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"we'll fetch you later, baby." i said and kissed her cheeks. jungkook gave her some money. "aniyo, i don't need it."

"you sure?" jungkook asked her. she nodded with a smile on her face, she looks like her father. "ne."

"you have your phone with you, call us if something bad happens, arasseo?" he said.

"ne." she answered. "annyeong." she kissed both of our cheeks before getting out. she waved her hands before entering her school.

"let's go home, i still need to clean half of the house." i told him, he started the engine and started driving.

"half of the house? you guys didn't have a maid?" he asked. "we have but the maid is on a vacation with her family right now, besides, we're going home as soon as areum graduates."

"i thought yoongi hyung won't allow you to go home?" he asked again. "he said that we can go now since you already found us." i answered. he just smirked and parked the car.

i went out and immediately went to the kitchen and started washing the dishesn, until i felt someone combing my hair.

"hey stop that, i can't focus." i said. "i'll help you to clean, besides, areum's class will end after 3 hours, we can clean the whole house."

"you sure?"

"yeah, i'll just tie your hair." i just hummed in response and continued washing.

soon, we are already cleaning the living room, we finished cleaning the kitchen in just 30 minutes.

"you tired?" i shake my head. "i'm used to it."

"just tell me if you're tired, i'll continue cleaning alone."

"yah! aniyo, i still can clean." i laughed as i started cleaning again, he just shrugged and started cleaning also.

we finished cleaning the whole living room in just 15 minutes, only the bedrooms are left.


i wore a simple white off shoulder dress and sandals, while he wore a white shirt, black pants and his favorite shoes, timberlands.

he parked his car near the entrance, so that areum will see us immediately.

i already saw her laughing with her friends, i'm happy that my baby is happy. when her eyes landed on the car, she said something to her friends and waved.

"how's your school, baby?" i asked her as soon as she got in. "it was fine, eomma."

"let's go to the mall then to eat lunch."


we went to a fancy restaurant to eat our lunch there.

we already ordered and we're waiting for our food to arrive, areum is currently doing her homeworks and we are helping her when she doesn't understand some questions.

"areum, the food is here, stop doing your homeworks and eat first." she followed me and put her books, notebooks and her pencil case to the other side.

we focused on eating, jungkook sometimes asked her if she wanted to buy something but she just shake her head and gave him a smile.

"you really are sure you won't buy anything?"he asked once again. "aniyo, appa. i'm good. i'm just going to buy some things that are connected to my homework."

"okay, we'll buy soon after we eat." then he faced me. "what are you gonna buy then?"

"a lampshade for areum." her eyes widened. "b-but eomma, my lampshade is not---"

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