Chapter 4

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*cutting and blood warning*

*Kirishima POV*

Ever since that one night, things have been getting worse, so much to the point to where I've avoided talking to Bakugou, Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero. I've stopped randomly vomiting, but that doesn't mean the nightmares got any better, recently they've started to be more gruesome and cruel, they add more and more people I care about family, friends, teachers, even innocent civilians. I hate it, Bakugou seems mad at me, which only makes me want to avoid him more, just because it hurts so much to see him in general.

I get up at the sound of my alarm. Most of the time I either can't sleep or don't want to out of fear, other times I wait it out. People have noticed the dark circles under my eyes, anyone can from a mile away, they've always asked me about it, but I usually avoid those questions. All in all, I've started to become pretty antisocial, I've even stopped dying my hair red, so my black roots are showing, and most of the time I don't even spike it up. Aizawa-Sensei has even gotten to the point where he's asked questions after class, luckily my grades aren't as bad as they usually are.

I get ready and walk out of my dorm, I then see Bakugou standing there like usual, but this time he looks at me and steps in front of me "oi, what's up with you, and don't avoid my questions again." This is the last thing I need this morning, "can we just talk about it later," I respond, "you always give me that answer, you're going to tell me here and now," I can hear the anger in his voice. "Now isn't the time, Bakugou" he doesn't budge, "fine, we're going to be late, and you will tell me what's wrong with you." After that we walk to school together in a very uncomfortable silence.

Once we get to class I sit down in my seat and wait for Sensei to walk in (or roll in). I look out the window for a moment, watching the birds fly around the bushes and cherry blossoms, it's beautiful. After a few more minutes fly by, and Aizawa-Sensei rolls into class and starts to talk about what we're doing today and tomorrow. "Today will be normal lessons, where we just study basic hero laws, and tomorrow you will be with Thirteen and All Might doing hero training outside of the campus," he says in his normal tired voice.

I'm super excited for hero training, we usually never leave campus for this, but every time we did it was awesome. I should spike my hair up tomorrow for this sort of occasion. After giving us our notes and homework, he dismisses us to go to our next class, which was Present Mic's English class.

*At the end of the day*

As soon as the class was over and we were dismissed, I rushed to grab my things and get out. Usually I'm one of the last few people in the class at the end of it, but not recently, mainly because I've going so fast to just throw my stuff messily into my bag. I know Bakugou is going to try to follow me, and catch up to me, it will be unavoidable.

I continue out the school, and run to my dorm. As I expected Bakugou was running after me, I know he can catch up even without his quirk, since my mobility is awful. He catches up and I can tel he's mad, he grabs my shoulder, smoke starts to emit from his hands, "oi don't forget what I said earlier," yep, he's pissed. "I needed to go my dorm first," "so you can just hide in there and wait it out, like hell I'll let you do that again."

I don't know what to do to leave or defuse this situation, besides telling him. I sigh, "fine, but in private, I don't want everyone to know why I'm so down," he lets go, and waits on me to start walking to an area that I think is suitable. I walk into the dorms and up into my room, I unlock and open the door for the both of us. I'm extremely nervous to tell him, though I don't get why. He's my friend and will understand why I've been so upset, but what if he hates me because of how much I've changed, because of some stupid dreams.

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