10k Special

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First off

THANK YOU FOR 10K READS WTF THIS MEANS SO MUCH TO ME AND I FELT LIKE I SHOULD GIVE EVERYONE SOMETHING SPECIAL!!! Plus I'm in the mood to write, so here's some KiriBaku fluff for you guys 😊😊😊*this takes place in between the story, also Kirishima is obviously the top, taller, and stronger in this 🙄*

also this includes a little bit of inappropriate behavior from Kiribut I swear it's not too bad, and they're dating so it's cool 👌


*Bakugou's POV*

I sit on the couch at my house while my parents are gone on a trip for a few days, waiting on a certain someone to get here. That jackass, making me wait 10 minutes after he said he'd be here, what the hell is he even doing anyway? Probably something stupid, knowing him. I continue to wait on my stupid redheaded boyfriend as I sit there on my phone.

I hear the doorbell ring and get up, I answer the door to see spiky red hair and a big, pointy smile greeting me at the door," hey Bakugou, sorry I took so long. I had to run a fee errands." "Whatever, just get your ass in here." He walks in behind him, shutting the door when he's completely in and we both sit down on the couch, I lean on him a bit and pretend like it's normal. A small tint of red pops up on his cheeks, as he probably wasn't expecting that.

He smiles and wraps an arm around me and I stay like that, not even showing anything other than slight anger. I'm still mad at him for being late when HE planned this dumb date. I give him the silent treatment as we watch a movie, he asked me a question after the movie was over but I ignore him.

*third person POV*

After Kirishima realizes that Bakugou is ignoring him, he pulls his face to look at him and Bakugou pouts and avert his eyes elsewhere. This made Kirishima give him a kiss and then say, "don't ignore me baby," which caused Bakugou to blush a little and close his eyes, keeping a scowl on his face.

Kirishima pulls him closer, "come on, don't ignore me, pleeeaaassseee, I love yooouuuu." He gives him puppy dogs eyes which he knows Bakuhou can't resist. Bakugou looks at him for a split second and groans, "fine, damn! What do you want?!" "Why're you ignoring me?" "You were late to the date you planned, dumbass."

"Is that what this is about, aww baby, you were impatient," Kiri smiles and pulls Bakugou closer, "I missed you too," "I didn't say shit about missing you, I didn't miss you," "are you sure~" Kiri coos. "Yes." Kiri doesn't believe him and flips Bakugou where his back is on the couch. "W-what the he'll are you doing?!"

Kirishima lifts up Bakugou's shirt and Bakugou blushes, "Kirishima?" Kiri then gives Bakugou big belly farts, causing the other to laugh, surprised at the action. He laughs, trying to kick Kiri off him, but Kiri, being a little bit physically stronger, holds his legs down and continues to give him the belly farts. Bakugou laughs more and more, his stomach starting to hurt from laughing so much.

Eventually, Kiri says, "beg and I'll stop," then gives more belly farts, Bakugou gives in and begs him to stop, "stop! Stop it!" He yells while laughing at the same time. To which Kirishima finally stops and lets Bakugou catch his breath.

Bakugou kicks Kirishima, "dickhead! Give me a warning next time! Damn it!" Kirishima laughs and gives him a big smile, "but you smiled, didn't you? That's what I wanted!" He laughs more. Bakugou sits up, rolling his eyes and pulling his shirt back down, "fuck you," he says and Kiri pulls him into a hug, "you know you love me," "whatever."

For the rest of the night, they stayed up watching movies while eating snacks and drinking whatever was in the house. They stayed up almost all night, or at least Kirishima did. Bakugou fell asleep at around 9pm with his head in Kiri's lap.

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