Chapter 8

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*Kirishima POV*

"For being there," I tell him with the biggest smile I could pull at that moment. Before I knew it Bakugou wraps his arms around my torso, I was shocked at the gesture, but quickly wrapped my arms around him too, "I'm sorry for making feel like shit." "It's not your fault, I should've given you a little more time to process what was going on."

"Kirishima?" "hm?"

"What are we?"

I let go of him and look him in the eyes, "what do you want us to be," "...a thing?" "Sounds great to me," I smile, he gives me a small smile in return, "we should probably get to bed, we have school tomorrow," "OH! Yeah... can you sleep in here?" "Of course I will, I'm not leaving after you started this thing again," he says referring to my vomiting, "yeah."

"Well, let's go to bed, instead of just sitting here staring at each other," he says laying down, his head now resting on the pillow, I watch him as I do the same. I lay next to him, we're facing each other, he puts one of his arms around me with his eyes closed. The warmth emitting from him is welcoming, so much so that I quickly fall asleep, no longer scared of what my brain tries to throw at me.

*Third Person POV*

Kirishima slept great that night, and it became a regular thing for the two to sleep in the same bed, cuddling, and to be honest, it was extremely adorable to even imagine. On Thursday, the two spent the time they were given after school to pack up everything they would need for the field trip. The two helped each other tell what to bring and what not to bring, Bakugou would've probably blown up about stressing on what to bring if Kirishima wasn't there to give him a logical reason for what to bring.

"Since Sensei said that would spend most of that week training, just bring mostly training uniforms, and bring a few extra clothes just in case there are other plans for after training. He also said the last couple of days would be relaxing days, so don't forget about that, too." Kirishima may need help with school work, but he's actually quite intelligent, he thought things out pretty logically and was great when it came to emotions, unlike Bakugou.

"What about things other than clothes?" Bakugou needed Kirishima's help with knowing what to bring, but he was helping Kirishima with the organization. Bakugou was an organized person, despite his attitude and superiority complex. "Bring what you know will fit and what you think you'll need like for me I'm bringing my gel. Oh and don't forget, we need to have room for our hero costumes, Sensei said we'll need them for Thursday, the last day of training."

"Yeah, yeah, I already did that... thanks."

Before they knew it, it was already 8:23 pm, Bakugou's supposed bedtime, "I'm tired, let's just go to bed, we're done packing anyway," Bakugou said throwing himself onto his bed, Kirishima laying down next to him, "good night, Bakugou," "call me Katsuki from now on," "huh? We've only been dating for a few days, are you sure?" "Yep," Kirishima smiles at the ash-blonde boy that is now cuddling the redhead, their legs intertwined, "call me Eijiro then." They both fell asleep happy, they've taken what seems to be a small detail, into something that was huge for the two of them.

The two have been dating since the Monday of that week, so only three days, but they were both contempt with going as far as first name terms so quickly. None of the class knew about the two dating, but most suspected it, especially Ashido and Midoriya. They first took the guess after Bakugou and Kirishima started to talk to each other more than they ever had before, then it just got more obvious from there, from what they can recall, there was the truth or dare question where Ashido asked Kirishima if he'd ever dated someone, knowing the answer was no, she was surprised to hear he had in fact dated someone or is dating someone.

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