Chapter 5

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*Kirishima POV*

*mention of suicide and suicide attempt (it's in a nightmare so don't worry) warning*


"You're nothing!!"

"Everyone knows it, you should just give up. Give up being a hero, give up on life, you worthless piece of shit."

Out of all people, hearing it from Bakugou was the worst, it makes me want to actually go through with it. "I found your razor, if you're going to cut at least do it right." I know what he means, "I also found all of the bandages in the trash."

I hate this, so much, it makes me think about how little our relationship really means to him. These thoughts make me sick to my stomach, "and you know that I know about your puking issue, you should just end it all, so neither of us have to deal with your existence, you nuisance." He's right, I should just end it, he wouldn't care, nobody would.

After all, I'm no hero, I'm no man, I'm nothing but a waste of space and an annoyance. Bakugou may act nice sometimes, but he says it's just pity, it always has been, that's the only reason Mina and I are 'friends'.

I look out the window, and decide where and when I'm going to do it, and there's no use in writing a note, since no one will care. I'm doing it off the nearest bridge later today at 16:00 (4:00 pm). It'll be easier of it happens sooner rather than later.

I quickly get some paper and a pencil, before I decide that I don't really need to write a note. There's nothing to write on the paper, so I just get shoes on and leave. I run to the closest bridge, that I know of, and walk up onto the edge, no one is around to see me.

I look down at the ground below me, the bridge is about 30 meters (about 90 feet high) off the ground. This will make it easier to end it quickly, I did my research, a human can usually only survive from a height 6-8 meters, very small chance of survival any higher than that. This is what everyone wants, so this is what everyone gets.

I take one last long deep breath and finally put my left foot forward, and start to fall. This is what Bakugou, Mina, Kaminari, Midoriya, Todoroki, Mother, everyone, this is what they all want and need. I see the distance between the ground and myself get shorter and shorter, until there is a sudden stop...

I shoot up from bed, oh god, what was that... Suicide? I don't want that, do I? I don't even know, maybe I should talk to someone about these nightmares other than my friends, someone like Aizawa-Sensei. Hopefully he'll help me out, since he does sleep a lot, he must have nightmares like these, maybe he can give me some advice. I look at my clock, only a few minutes until I need to get up and ready for school, so I decide to go ahead and get up and get ready.

I walk into my bathroom, so I can spike up my hair, and look at myself in the mirror. I see a boy with the top half his hair black and the bottom half red, dark circles under his eyes, and looks like absolute shit. I brush my hair and spike it up, I look at the time, it's still kind of early, I walk out of my dorm and wait on Bakugou to come out.

After about five minutes I see spiky ash blonde hair in my face, Bakugou, he looks at me surprised. "Do I have something on my face," I force out a laugh and smile, they were fake, just a mask to hide how I'm really feeling right now, "tch, let's just go." He was probably just surprised that I was ready before him.

We walk to U.A. in silence like normal until, "you were up early, why?" "Eh? Well, I just happened to wake up before my alarm went off, nothing else," I didn't lie, I just didn't tell him why I woke up early, "sure..." he sounds so unsure of my answer. We make it to class, kind of early so there wasn't many people there, and we both sat down in our seats.

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