02 - Group Assemble

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I threw the strap of my messenger bag onto my shoulder after stuffed my phone into it like there was no day tomorrow. Not doing a second check of my surrounding nor if I had everything on me, I rushed toward the moving escalator, ready to find where this 'Popular' store was at. She told me that the store was a bookstore but never tell me where was it. Genius girl.

I put every training of the track team into my athletic run although I knew that only running for a while seconds could already suck my souls out of my body. I held my breath within me as I literally forcing myself to let my weak legs to work back like in middle school. Each stores that I passed by never once had a name 'Popular' on its sign which made me to went to another floor instead of stuck on the same place like a hen lost its mother. Whatever did it take, I had to bite the bullet in order to meet with the others.

Each steps making me hard to even breath as I had a hard time of making myself  store away  the bad things that might happen later. I ended up on the third floor which was the end floor of the mall. Once I did not know where the next destination was, my weak hand reached for the rail of the glass divider that divided the floor with the bottom of the mall. I slumped on my track as I could hear all of my muscles screams toward me, to take a rest somewhere or they might explode anytime now. Inhaled through my mouth and exhaled through my nose seems like the only option. I felt like wanted to strip somewhere because of the heat from running like a madman. Probably Jason from Friday the 13th did not accept the same fate as mine. Welp... Except his victims.

I squatted on the floor for awhile as to regain all of my composure, already ignored all of the stares of others before checking on my phone.

The store is at the far end of the third floor,

Beside a small socks store.

Its name is 'Adreline'

I could not help but to face palm myself while cursing every curse words that I knew under my breath when I just received the message a few seconds ago. That was why you should not act before thinking or something like this will happen. I could surely wait for her message by the first floor and not running like a lunatic all over the mall just to search this bookstore. Come on... Just having a stranger looks at me enough to kill me in place but half of this place looks at me? Giving me a face;

'Oh, that girl must have dropped her wallet or something anywhere. She must be a forgotten  person' ,

'Oh, that girl must be running from a dog',

A dog...? Never mind! That did not matter but the thing that I was certain now I am only a few steps closer to the others as I will ever be! With that empty thought, I continued to run toward the far end of the floor to where the bookstore was located at.

[   ( • ̀ω•́ )✧   ]

I am there... Where I should be but where were they? I had a monologue with myself as I enquiringly looked at the bookstore then at my phone, back and forth. Yes... This was the place. I was completely caught on guard when my phone suddenly my favourite song played at the background, made me consciously to pick it up as not to obtain the strangers' attention.


"Oh, hey Ai-Jun! Where are you... Have yo- hey-hey! Ai-Jun, over here! Look over!" by hearing her voice oddly made me calm there although I am lost. However, by her suddenly raising her voice over the phone made me put away the phone away from my ear for a minute before doing as she instructed.

Once my gaze met hers, she waved her hand in the air as to stood out within the crowd, to catch my attention. There was a girl with blonde colored hair that tied into two braids, rest against her chest- made her appearance more stood out than the others. She was not wearing her usual thick glasses that she always wore to school. Strange. Had she change to wearing a contact lenses? I placed my phone against my ear but sadly the phone call had ended. I rushed toward her without a thought as I finally relief of finally meeting someone that I knew within the crowds.

"Heyooo, Ai-Jun! How are ya? Fancey meeting you hereeee~" she sang, although it more sounded like to provoke to me for doing all of the reckless running earlier without an aim. I really should think twice before doing something.

"Hi Nik. I am so sorry for being late" I unconsciously apologized. This was not an individual activity like I preferred to do but this was a group. Especially with other people from different grades joined us.

"No... Worries! I was recently just thinking you must be not coming because it involves with someone that you do not know or you are annoyed that I literally pull you into this group date... I am sorry, Ai-Jun." Nik apologized, remorseful for having me to go through all of that in one day. Jeez, I am exhausted already. Can I go home and play my games or whatever?

"Haha, do not worry Nik. I do not mind" I replied. 

'No you do not, little liar' -

'Shut up'

"Um, Ai-Jun? Are you alright? You suddenly become silent there... Oh! Do you need a toilet break or-or do you want some ice cream or drinks over this?" She southerly giving out her kindness toward me, as she was feeling sorry for pulling me into the group date although I had repeatedly refused to go for past two weeks earlier.

"Do not worry, I am fine. Thanks for the offer" I kindly refused her offer while lightly waving my hands, chest-height although part of me wanted to accept her offer. I am craving for bubble tea, can you get me a cup? No, I will never say that aloud. What am I? An idiot?

Our small chit chat was stopped once  the others who joined the group date approached us. Their conversations slowly died down when they saw me and Nik together although we barely had a class together except in Add Math, Language, and PE.

Miles and Clad , seniors from class 2-12

Fara and  Airem , seniors from class 3-12

Daniel , Steven, Mitski , Nikole Jefferson and myself,  juniors from class 2-11

These were the list of names that involved inside this group date like what had been explained by Nik, herself as luring me inside. (Although I know this was another trick of her to make me spill the beans about who I like after my elementary school's crush- it was a long time ago, why should I remember about someone that did not even know about my existence?)

"Guys~! Ai-Jun had come! Come on, let's go continue our date!" Nik shamelessly shouted it out loud as if she never had a stage fright ever in her entire life.

"Yo, Ai-Jun" , "Hello" , "nice to see you here"

That was what a few sentences that I could make out from them, inside these lousy crowds.

"Aw... When did this place crowded? I thought this place was ours today?" Nik slightly pouted before this guy, Clad lightly patted her head in a sense of comfort. I knew about this guy's name was because Daniel, my classmate foolishly cursed his name under his breath. Alright, another genius boy for the day!- Nonetheless, I already knew that Daniel had a crush on Nik since elementary school, so I could not blame the poor guy to acted like that.

"Thank you, Clad- f-for the comfort I mean!" Nik flashed him her sincerely smile with her perfect lined white teeth. I unconsciously put my hand over my mouth while looking away but not because of the event happened in front of me but it really poke my self-confident.

I did not say that my teeth was not like Nik's but, the two front teeth of mine was a little bit lifted and the most stood out which made me hard to sealed shut my lips sometimes.

"Alright, alright enough with the lovey dovey you two, now our group date have complete. How 'bout we go to arcade, eat some ice cream or go to cyber cafe-I do not care, let's go somewhere else" Fara slipped into an action to break the awkward atmosphere within them, slightly crossed her arms against her chest, tries to make her point stood out.

"I accept Fara's suggestion. Let's go everyone. We will head to the food court first. It was the best if we energized before doing some activities" Miles commanded like a true head of the group, acted maturer than all of the members.

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