07 - Something is Wrong but, What is it?

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I took out my phone out of curiosity, to check if I did not hear any message or phone call came in earlier. Truth to be told, I rarely use my phone whenever in public with crowds all over the place even if I am alone. Except, if I am in vehicle. But, this time I will make an exception.

Five missed calls and 14 new messages from Nik. Seems, she was the only one that realized about my 'disappearance' with the little lousy Sujin.

"I think we should go back to the others, Jin" I spoke out thoughtlessly, not realized some mistakes that I might make in my talk. As I already forgotten what I just speak.

"Jin?" Sujin pointed out a mistake in my sentence earlier as his name did not sounded right.

"Huh... I- I am sorry for the mistake! I mean- Sujin! (Being with him any longer might make me gone insane next)" I angrily cursed at myself after apologized to him for the careless error.

"I do not mind hearing you call me that... Well, I kind of liking it. There, you have my permission. Call me as you like" Sujin carelessly replied with a shy smile. My shoulders tensed up by his sentences but soon I began to regained my composure.

"Why are your face read?... Oh~ is that a blush I see? Did you just see my attractiveness poking out at each corner and you could not handle it?" I consciously pressed both of my hands against my cheek then slightly pinched it. My face became hot like when I had a bad fever where I could not even brought myself to stand up from the bed. I felt so weak and powerless at that time. Wait... I will try to use reverse psychology against him!  To let him had a taste of his own medicine.

"Yes actually. I am attracted to your attractiveness since earlier"

Just kill me already.

This time, it was Sujin's turn to be embarrassed by the sudden remark that he probably never once heard someone replied like that. "Su...Jin?" I called out to him softly which woke up him from his world.

"A...Ah never mind! I-I am completely fine and you should not worry about me! Geez... You should not use your words like that toward me. It shocked me" he replied with stress brewed under his voice.

I could not help myself but to lightly chuckle toward his embarrassment. Get the taste of your own medicine! I quietly screamed a victory for the win inside my head. "T-then let's go to the others!" he tried to hide his embarrassment by fast walking, leaving me a few miles away behind.

[   (,,^・⋏・^,,)   ]

"Hello, Ai-Jun? Where in the world have you gone too? I realized you have gone way too early than the others because they did not believe in me! Now, who is wrong? A-anyway, Ai- Jun where are you right now? We are really worried about you. A-also, Dan told me that he saw you walking - or wandering around with a guy which clearly not one of us! W-well I did not really said that you cannot invite whoever you want but do not you think it is proper if you tell us- o-or you can tell me otherwise who is it? . . . Ai-Jun? Hello? Ai-Jun? You there, girl?-" Nik's voice that came from over the line made my bloods ran cold inside my veins. It sent a shiver through my spine when she, herself did not knew who is Sujin. She mentioned that he was not in our group date. . . Which mean he was not invited or possibly not from our school. Then. . . Who was he? Did everything that he told me was a lie? Or. . .was he a possibly kidnapp-?!

A message from Sujin had woken me up from my thoughts. I could feel my lips trembled in fear as I carefully read his message.



You there?

You have been in the restroom for quite a long time now꒰。•'ェ'•。꒱۶

I could not bring myself to type any reply to his message as it had been sent only a few seconds ago same as Nik's call. I felt lost within the labyrinth of desperately wanting to free myself from this tangled. Why in the first place did I trust him? His name was not probably Sujin like he told so, maybe something else. Right. . . How could I ignored the first time we met? He was startled to said his name out loud to me.

"I am Suk-Jin- Uh- Sujin~ nice to finally meet you in person, Ai-Jun!" he introduced himself, 

My chest was hurt but because of what? Pressured for being too long, alone inside this crowded place? Heaven. . . was there something that I could do to get away from here? Was there a window so I could make my dramatic escape from this stuffy place? Never mind, instead of being at home, I will ended up at the hospital with broken limbs. This was the second floor of the mall and I could not survive jumped to the ground floor as I did not had any specialty to do parkour or whatsoever. I gritted my teeth. I spitted out curse word harshly as my lips parted open. I opened the pipe and let the water ran before washing both of my hands inside it. I rubbed my hands together with full force, imagined that I could take off Sujin's imprint when his hand accidentally rubbed against mine. However, one thing for sure I could not get out from my head was him.

This was ridiculously painful! How could Nik letting other gender touch her hair? What if he just sneezed inside his hand? Wait- I could do that and no one will ever wanted to touch me! I do not care if it disgusting but one thing for sure I am not fond of being touch. However, sometimes I just wish that I could speak out loud about this. . . You know like in manga and anime? I guess this is the reality. I slumped on my seat as no idea even crossed my mind on how I could save my self here. I do not want Nik to be involve in this mess, I had to learn how to independent 

I do not know how... But, I will try my very best although I am not the best.

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