Chapter 7

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The other four exchanged curious looks
" what is she doing ? Who is this guy? " there were many questions running in their heads . " hey Hyerin wassup girl  it's been a long time " said Tyler  . They saw the others and looked at each other and realised how close they were . She moved away from him . " oh sorry . I totally forgot, he is my childhood buddy Tyler Lockwood ,  " said Hyerin
" okay Tyler meet my best friends Jieun , Minji  and Taeyu ."
" hi girls I'm Tyler I'm not the boss  my elder brother is now that he will be running late , I will take over , Lee play the slides " said Tyler as he prepared the laptop for the slideshow . He played the slides . Tyler stood up from his place and faced them .
" this is the evidence we had collected from the crime scene , the picture in the first slide contains the image of a letter . This letter has been spotted near the body , in the crime scene it says :
They deserved it . The hunt is not over yet . Expect more , for I can't be spotted . All I want to see ya'll suffer . Good luck and goodbye. " explained Tyler , just then his phone buzzed
" excuse me " apologised Tyler .
" hello ? " Tyler frowned his eyebrows in confusion his expression soon turned into a look of dismay and horror .
" yes , I will be right there " confirmed Tyler and continued to end the call . He turned around to face them .
" we need to leave , right now. " spoke Tyler as he hastily moved towards the desk to grab his car keys .
The four girls quickly stood up from their chairs to question Tyler about the sudden acting .
" what !? where are we going ? " questioned Hyerin . The rest of them stood next to Hyerin , expecting an answer from the male , who seemed like he was panicking. His perfect feature carried an expression of terror and shock .
Hyerin fussed that something terrible must have happened.
" okay okay ? Look Mason called . He informed that -" Jieun was quick to cut Tyler off , before he could finish the sentence. " wait , who is this Mason dude ??" Jieun questioned .
" he's our boss , who is also Tyler's twin" stated Hyerin as a matter of factly . "Oh!"
" as I was saying my brother discovered a new murder at queens ally . It was said to have occurred early morning , most probably between 5 and 6 , " informed Tyler as he sorted out a few documents in the desk .
" Mason had arrived there at 8 . He needs us there as quick as possible . This murder ..... is unique , very unique." The girls had taken in his words and prepared themselves. Lee went out to grab a few guns and protections , in case something happens in the crime scene .
They gathered their possessions and left quickly to the certain ally . It was a 30 minutes drive .
They left , not knowing about what they are gonna witness.
Will be continued, thanks a lot for reading , will be updating soon . Till then goodbye and good luck .
Sayonara .

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