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Mingi did his best to stay calm as they stayed in the back of the truck. He knew he could rip every one of the Hunters apart if he wanted to, but there were too many others outside the vehicle and it would risk putting the others in danger.

Plug Hongjoong had asked him not to... So he would follow his alpha's orders.

Hearing the Colonel Gregson had passed left a hole in his heart that Mingi didn't know would appear. He respected the man so much and now that he was gone...

He was happy to know that the Colonel had passed from old age. Hopefully it was in his sleep. Supposedly it was the most peaceful way to go, so Mingi felt it's what he deserved.

As he was jostled around, Mingi couldn't help but think about their first interactions together. The Colonel had been so ready to kill them for destroying a town, but the kindness of his heart showed when he had been willing to give them a chance to explain their side of the story.

And he chose to fight by their side twice, even when his own men gave him push back.

Mingi sighed and closed his eyes.

I know. I'm sad too. Gunner is going to be devastated. Seonghwa said quietly, still leaning into his alpha's shoulder.

The alpha cringed and let out a long sigh. Seonghwa was right...

When they had told Colonel Gregson that they wanted to name Gunner in honor of him, and they help they had received from the Hunters, he had been deeply touched and tended to spend a little more time with the young alpha over the other kids.

It was obvious that the Colonel had a soft spot in his heart for their son, and it mad Mingi wonder what had happened to the man's own relationship with his grandson for them to be so drastically different...

We will do something to honor him when we get home. Hongjoong said.

Mingi opened his eyes to look at his alpha an gave him a grateful smile. Thanks Joong.

He did a lot for all of us. It's the least we can do.

You mean IF we get home. San grumbled from the corner.

Mingi turned to look at him with wide eyes, then quickly shut them. They couldn't give away the fact that they could talk to each other right now. What is that supposed to mean?

The older huffed and pulled his knees to his chest. Just stating the obvious.

San, don't start. Hongjoong said, his voice getting harsh.

They could all sense the pain rolling off the alpha. Every minute they kept driving took him further and further away from where they believed Wooyoung was being kept.

Mingi knew he would be frustrated too, so he couldn't get too mad at San... We are going to get out San. But we need to stay positive. When have we ever failed when we stick together?

And you can still feel him, right? Yunho asked.

Yes... But I think that scares me more than if I couldn't. Why have they kept the mark? Why haven't I felt them torturing him? San whimpered.

"Hey! Shut up!" One of the Hunters shouted from the front of the van.

Mingi turned to look at him and growled in warning, but was silenced by several guns being pointed in his direction.

Just try to stay calm, please. Hongjoong pleaded.

Both San and Mingi sent apologies through the link and things fell silent again between them. All that could be heard was the roar of the engine and Jongho's occasional whimpers as he was jostled in his seat while he slept.

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