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Nothing could even begin to describe the emotions running through Seonghwa's head as he hurried past Hongjoong and his family. He needed to be with his daughter.

And she was trying her best to get to him too.

Theo was helping her down the stairs, a concerned look on his face whenever he looked at her, but that disappeared whenever he looked up and past Seonghwa.

"M-Momma!" Avayla whimpered.

They closed the gap between then, and although it was awkward, they both sank to the ground and Seonghwa pulled Avayla's head into his chest.

With one quick look, Theo ran off to find his parents.

Avayla's choked sobs broke Seonghwa's heart, and he shushed her gently while rocking her back and forth. "It's ok baby, it's ok." He was having a hard enough time holding back his own tears.

"M-M-Momma... Wh-What happened? You w-were just supposed to g-go hunting and then s-suddenly Theo is t-telling me you aren't coming back." Her sobs increased tenfold and she clung to Seonghwa's shirt like her life depended on it.

"I know baby. I'm so sorry." Seonghwa whispered, pressing kiss after kiss into the top of her head. "I am so sorry..."

Feet slammed against the front porch and soon the rest of the kids came running out.

Gunner slammed into Seonghwa's side and flung his arms around the omega's neck. "Momma!! You're home!! Where's Papa? What happened? Where have you been? Why were you gone so long?"

Seonghwa adjusted his grip so he could hold his boy as well, rubbing his nose against the boys forehead. "All in good time, just let Momma hold you." He whispered.

Then Avayla lifted her head up and gazed into the distance. "What happened to Uncle Yunho?" She said, still choking on her words.

Seonghwa turned to see Mingi carrying Yunho out of the trees, moving at a fast trot. And it looked like he beta was away. Theo was by his side, ready to help when he could.

"Papa!!" Gunner said, standing up to run to him, but Seonghwa grabbed his wrist to hold him back.

Everything happened so fast after that.

The entire pack worked their way into he house. Seonghwa took note of the fact that Tina and Marylou were standing off in the corner when he tried to say something to them, they simply waved him off and he sent them a grateful smile.

Yunho had been set down on the floor and looked like his body was seizing from the back. Theo and Jongho were holding both his hands and trying to calm him down.

San was in a corner hugging both Lizbeth and Lorelai while holding onto his son. Which meant Wooyoung was not with him.

Feeling a protectiveness surge forward, Seonghwa started to look around frantically for the small omega while Mingi pulled their kids into his arms to hug them.

"Out of the way!" Wooyoung suddenly said. He ran past Seonghwa and dropped to the ground next to Yunho. Theo moved so that he was kneeling next to Jongho and they both watched Wooyoung with fear in their eyes.

The younger omega had grabbed a bowl and was now mashing a combination of herbs frantically. His forehead was creased with concentration and he never took his eyes off his task.

Silence fell over the room, expect for the sound of his work and Yunho's whimpers.

Then Wooyoung gathered some of the now gooey concoction on his fingers and started to rub it over Yunho's back. When all of it had been transferred to the beta, Wooyoung moved to straddle him and started to massage it into his back, focusing mostly on his white scar marring the entire right side.

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