Chapter 19

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A/N: A bit of violence ahead. Please don't be offended and just enjoy. It is fiction. I don't promote this type of behaviour. I personally hate this type of behaviour so don't try that at home.


Nandini's POV:

I was on the phone with Saurabh, one of Kabir's closest friends and finalizing every arrangement. "It's all nearly ready. Are you sure he doesn't know? He's a damn nosy guy." He spoke.

"Yes I am sure. He really has no idea about it. I just hope Kabir doesn't find this out." I guaranteed.

"Just bring him here carefully. See you."

I think I heard the door close.
"Okay, bye." I hung up the phone and went out of my room looking for Kabir. He was not there. Maybe I really heard the door close and he went out. Maybe for a walk or something.

It was a few hours before we would leave for the destined place so I thought to get ready until he comes back. I tied my hair and put on some makeup, since we would be out late and I didn't want to look like sleep-deprived. I slipped into the dress I had chosen for this night and glared in the mirror.

I wish it goes just as I had planned it out. And I hope he like the gift I bought for him. I pulled out the perfectly wrapped box and kept it in front of me.

Kabir still hadn't arrived so I decided to watch the YouTube video I saved for later. I texted him to come back as soon as possible and played the video. After a while when he didn't come, I texted again. This time a few in a row.

One video turned to four and then seven but he didn't come back. I dialled his number and waited but I heard his phone ring in the next room. Maybe he came already and slept or something.

I went jumping to the room singing, "Kabirlll!" but didn't get a response.

"Kabir, you there?" I leaned on the door of the darken room. He wasn't there. I turned the lights on and found the room was empty. Did he go?
I dialled his number again to check but the sound of his ringtone came from the room, near the bed.
I walked closer to the bed and found his phone on the table. He left it here and is gone. But where?

I went outside and checked our floor and the others, terrace gate was locked, the basement was empty and his car was not there.

Where did he go without his phone and warning? It was going to be the time that we should be ready to go. I ran back to our floor and went in. I bumped myself on the sofa and texted his friends, "Sorry guys, we will take some time. Stuck with a neighbour:("

I closed my eyes trying to think every possible place he could have gone. He never went out without informing me. Specially this late at night. My stomach was getting this tingling sensation of the something unknown.

Maybe I was just thinking too much and he was just out for a walk. Maybe he will come back in a few minutes. We won't be late to the party. After all, it's his birthday.

A few more minutes just passed with me lying there. Seconds later I heard someone stumble in the doorway and the door knob turn slowly. He's back.
As he came in view, I got up shocked. He tried to push the door slowly and cautiously and I glanced at him. He was drunk, eyes bloodshot red, half of his weight still on the door knob. My eyes opened wide on seeing him in that state.

All I wanted to ask him was where he was and why he did this.

He saw me standing stuck and smiled wickedly. "Nandini, you were going somewhere?" I tried to open my mouth to say something but he cut me before that. "To meet someone? Is it the same person you have been talking to from past few months? The performer?" He tired to walk to the sofa, nearly dragging his feet.

"What are you talking about?" I asked all confused. "You know it very well. Don't act innocent." He took his jacket off and threw it on the floor aggressively.

"I really don't know it Kabir. What are you saying?" I asked it more like just saying.
"Oh so you don't know?" He raised his eyebrows at me. I didn't say anything and waited for him to continue.

"All those messages with him. They were crystal clear proof about your relationship. Do you think I am a fool!" He raised his voice a bit. His anger was giving me chills now. His veins were visible on his neck and palms. His eyes looked as if drilling holes in me. He was terrifying.

"I am not in any relationship with anyone. And even if I was, I wouldn't like to bring it up." I defended myself. It was true. I was not in any relationship with anyone.

"Stop it now! Enough of your lies!" He shouted.

"You think I don't know about your kiss! I know all of it." I sucked a breath. His anger was increasing with every second passing. He knows. But there was nothing wrong with it.
"I did nothing wrong." I stood for myself.

"When I told you stay away from that guy what part of it did you not füking understand! You are getting out of your line. Is this what I'm keeping you with me!" His voice rose with every word he spoke.

But how on earth did he come to know about it. I never even told him or anyone. He invaded my privacy without my permission and now is shouting on me. "At least not hanging around with everyone I find in the club-"
I felt a sharp stinging pain on my left cheek and my face turned the opposite direction. My body seemed to lose the balance and I stumbled on my feet. My subconscious mind buzzed for a brief second and then I realised.

He slapped me.

I stood there staring blankly, sinking in the fact that he slapped me.
"Shut the fük up! You were talking to people behind my back thinking I am a fool!" He raged.
So he heard me plan for his birthday.

Nothing came to my mind. Nothing at all. He was so wrong about me.
Now he doesn’t have to keep me with him anymore.

I stood up straight and in the moat calm tone, said, "Happy birthday Kabir. I planned a party for you with your friends and of course, hundreds of your female friends. Thank you for not trusting me. Thank You for spying on me." His facial muscles relaxed, his expressions changed and my words seemed to hurt his ego standing like a wall between us. For a moment I stood there looking at him for the last time.

I turned abruptly and went back to my room, grabbed my purse, car keys and a little bag with all my emergency supplies. I picked his gift and returned back to him.

"Here is something I bought for you. The address was already texted to you. Your friends are waiting better hurry up." I handed him the gift and paced out slamming the door behind me. I am not coming back to this place, again.


A/N :
I wrote this chapter when I had a little fight with someone I like. I haven't talked to him since. But I didn't want to lose him:(

Update: We got back together on my sports day. I patched up with him and I'm so happy. It was a good day, I won a silver in sports and talked to him.

I feel good but bad at the same time. I am leaving my school and I will miss all these nevermind. I (unfortunately) like that guy and that's a big mistake I did.

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