Chapter 3

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My alarm buzzed in my ear far too early, but clinicals were calling, and so I dragged myself out of bed and into my shower, letting the hot streams of water wake me up. I closed my eyes and hummed to myself, doing my best not to take forever, but as always, I found myself daydreaming... And this time, it was, of course, about Parker. Or Parker_Games, as he was known by thousands of fangirls.

I didn't have much time left when I finished drying off and brushing my teeth, so I quickly put some mousse in my uncontrollable curls, blow dried it as fast as I could, and put some mascara on, because that was all I had time for. I smoothed the front of my green scrubs, threw my hair into a ponytail, and slipped on my hideous clinical shoes. Sure, they were comfortable, but they were so ugly.

The first half of my day was consumed with taking in way too much information in way too little time, (thankfully graduation was a mere 2 months away) but once it was over, I had a couple of hours to work on my piles of homework before heading out to meet Parker. So of course, I spent about 45 minutes staring blankly at the same textbook page, reading and re-reading the same paragraph over and over again, before finally giving up and putting my books away. I hadn't eaten much all day, so I quickly scarfed down some leftover pasta I'd made for the previous night's dinner, and made sure to brush my teeth a couple extra times afterwards, because who wants to be tutored by someone with garlic breath right? Right...

I took my hair down from it's elastic band and shook my curls out, fiddling with them just a bit. Luckily for me, I hadn't developed that annoying ponytail ring, so it didn't take much. I took a couple bobby pins and secured my bangs up in a slight twist; I hated having my hair in my eyes, but the bangs hid a scar I'd gotten as a souvenir from a trip (literally) down the stairs a few years back. I'd also broken my nose that time, and ever since then, I wasn't a big fan of the shape it had taken. I stepped back from the mirror a moment, checking out my outfit, ensuring I didn't have any awkward stains or embarrassing holes anywhere, and then proceeded to put on just a touch of makeup. Nothing major, just some eyeshadow, eyeliner with the teensiest wing to it, a refresher of the mascara I'd applied that morning, and a darker pink lip tint. Satisfied, I checked my watch to find I had a few minutes to spare, so I put on my favorite pair of earrings (diamond studs, a gift from my dad for my 16th birthday) and took a selfie for Instagram, because for the first time in a long time, I thought I didn't look half bad.

With that, I was out the door. Since the coffee shop was so close, I grabbed my book and notes and headed there on foot, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine along the way, listening to some random playlist I had on my phone. The music put me in an even better mood, and the fact that I was about to spend most of my free time that day with my nose buried in a textbook started to bother me less and less. At least I'd have cute company.

Speaking of cute company, there he was. I rounded the corner of the street the shop was located on, and he was just climbing out of his car. How was it even possible to be so handsome? He was wearing an oddly-patterned sweatshirt and some black skinny jeans, and as he bent to pick up his keys he had just dropped, I stole a quick look at his butt. I wasn't disappointed in what I saw. Get a hold of yourself, sheesh. He didn't see me, so I slowed my pace a bit and watched him walk in, order his coffee, and pull out his phone. Moments later, mine buzzed.

Here. Got a table already. Hope that's okay. :)

I couldn't contain my goofy grin as I walked towards the door. Instead of greeting him first, I got my coffee (a caramel macchiato) and turned around, only to catch him staring at me.

"Hey," I said with a small smile as I approached the small corner table he was sitting at.


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