Chapter 29

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-=-=-=-=-=- TWO MONTHS LATER -=-=-=-=-=-

For the millionth time since I'd walked out the door and left him behind, I picked up my phone, unlocked it, and hovered over the "call" button next to Parker's name before locking it and shoving it back in my pocket. I had been under the impression that it would get easier not to talk to him or see him, but I had never been more wrong about anything in my entire life.

In fact, the more time that passed, the more I was convinced that this had all been a giant mistake. After Parker decided to make the news of our breakup public, I got so much hate, even escalating to death threats, that I had just deleted all of my social media accounts, and changed my number. Luckily, my address stayed private information, and as things calmed down, I was able to get back to a normal life.

Or what was my normal now. I had found a two-bedroom apartment about an hour from where I had been living, which was great because it was closer to work, which I planned to return to as soon as I could after giving birth. It had been hard finding a place that allowed me to have animals, but Ender, Frodo, and Toby had all settled in nicely. Toby was now almost twice the size he was when we first got him, and after being fixed, he had calmed down a bit. He was still my constant companion, always up my butt, which wasn't the best idea on his part, considering I was now just two weeks shy of eight months pregnant and GIGANTIC. He still didn't seem to grasp that he was not a lap dog, and with my big belly in the way, he still somehow managed to find his way into my lap on occasion, which was very uncomfortable for me.

At the moment, I was making myself lunch after spending the morning sorting through baby shower gifts and setting up the nursery. Callum had come over the night before and helped me set up all the furniture, and I'll admit that I sat in the rocker in the nursery and cried, thinking back to when Parker and I had talked about doing this together.

Darlene had kept in close contact with me, and she respected my wishes that she not bring Parker up when we spoke. She only asked that I let her be in her grandchildren's lives, and that I keep her updated as to what was going on in that area. She never once asked me about anything that wasn't baby-related, and I was so grateful for that. She had even still thrown the shower for me, and while it was extremely awkward, I was very thankful. Had it not been for her, I would have had hardly anything ready before the babies came.

I finished my lunch and did my dishes, and decided to take Toby on a walk. My back was really tight, I assumed from spending all morning bending over and lifting things and organizing, so I hoped the walk would help. At first, it did help, but about an hour after arriving home, the pain suddenly became much sharper and more intense, and then I felt an urgent need to go to the bathroom. I got myself up as fast as I could, which wasn't very fast at all, and waddled my way into the bathroom.

As soon as I reached the threshold, I felt a burst of fluid shoot out of me, like a water balloon bursting in my pants.

It was then that it hit me: I was in labor.

I had been in LA shooting for two months now, living in a small studio apartment, and trying my best to do as I had promised my parents and take care of myself. Things were going well with the show, and it had been picked up by a network immediately after the pilot had been shot and shopped around.

Every day was still a struggle to not just mope around and pine for McKenzie. After I had made the news of our breakup public, a lot of people had been horrible to her, and her phone number was even leaked, so she had shut down all of her social media and changed her number, and that meant I had no real way of contacting her. My mom kept me updated with as much information as she could; she and McKenzie had stayed in touch, which I was fine with.

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