Chapter 22

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My first few days back home were a chaotic mess of appointments and errands, so when the weekend finally came, I was excited to just relax at home in my sweatpants, eat Cheetos, and binge watching old seasons of Boy Meets World, my favorite show of all-time. I loved it so much I had every season on DVD.

Parker had been working hard all week, cranking out videos to make up for his absence- two a day every day this week. He hadn't really slept more than two or three hours at a time, so I let him sleep in this morning, being as quiet as I could while I shuffled around the apartment, making myself some waffles topped with Nutella and strawberries for breakfast.

I was about four episodes into the first season when I heard Parker get in the shower upstairs. I paused my show and started his breakfast, just popping the waffles in the toaster. He came down the stairs just as I was finishing pouring him some orange juice.

"Good morning, sleepy head."

"G'morning," he mumbled, still half-asleep. I noticed he had miss-buttoned the flannel shirt he was wearing, and reached over after he shoved a bite into his mouth, unbuttoning it almost all the way to fix it.

"Hey! What's the big idea?" he scowled.

"Fine. Next time, I'll just let you look like a total dork with your shirt buttoned all wrong," I shot back, leaving him to finish his breakfast all by his grumpy self. I pressed play and once again, I was engrossed in the world of Cory and Topanga.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Parker head back up the stairs. Good. If he was going to be a cranky jerk today, then he could be one far away from me. Fine by me.

I could hear him talking upstairs, which wasn't unusual given his job, but his voice sounded cheerful. Oh, so he could be nice to everyone but me? Okay, point taken.

I heard him laughing, a sound which was generally music to my ears. Today, it made me want to strangle him.

Then, he starting shouting, probably about some video game nonsense, again. That was it for me. I paused my show yet again and stomped up the stairs, flinging the door open with a bang. Parker jumped and turned around, shocked.

"Hey, honey. Come here and say hi!"

He was streaming. And there I stood, in front of a good 5,000 people, looking like complete slop.

"I'm good. I didn't know you were streaming. I can wait," I said, turning to leave quickly. I was so mad. He couldn't have even given me the courtesy of warning me he would be streaming? What was up with that?

I shut the TV off, knowing that until he was done with what he was doing, there was no point in trying to watch anything. I sat on the couch and pulled out the book I was reading, opening to the page I'd left off on. For the next couple of hours, I let myself get lost in the book, only to be shaken out of it by a loud knock at the door.

I peered through the peephole to find a pizza delivery guy standing on the porch. I had no choice but to answer. I opened the door.

"Hello ma'am. I've got a delivery here for Parker."

"Yeah, I'll take it."

"Well, the payment didn't go through online, so, I can either take cash or run a credit card here, but I need paid either way."

"Oh. Okay. Just give me a second." I went to my purse and pulled some bills from my wallet, handing them to him. "Here you go, sorry about that. Keep the change," I told him, taking the pizza and closing the door.

I bounded back upstairs, not at all pleased, to find Parker just having a grand old time, dancing around with the music so loud in his earphones he didn't hear me enter. And he was so concentrated on dancing like an idiot, he didn't see me either. I tossed the pizza in his lap, probably a little harder than I should have, making him scream like a little girl. He looked at me, confused.

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