Act 19: Unlikeable Companions

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The sun wasn't even up yet when all of Two Three woke up to see Two off at the airport. In the middle of the night, she couldn't leave Headquarters to go to tell Wizard Grayhound about the Director's message because Jarid and Dr. Lorkhead had stayed up late and they all played a game of Monopoly which Jarid found in some old dump somewhere near Shelterfield. They had to figure out how to play it because Monopoly was such an ancient game.

Once they finally all went to bed a little after midnight, Two sent a quick symbol message through her Rubick's Cube to Wizard Grayhound's and hoped he still knew how to read them. She could only know if it worked if she saw him at the airport and if he would be discreet about them meeting. She didn't want to have to make up another lie to tell Jarid and Dr. Lorkhead about why she was going to London with Wizard Grayhound.

They pulled up at the airport in the Cargwheels. Two was sitting between Genji and Jarid. Jarid yawned about twenty-two times since they left Headquarters and Genji seemed just as sleepy but he swallowed his yawn and hugged her around the shoulders. In the trunk were her stuff and caged Friskyweed who was given a Sleep For A Day potion so he wouldn't wake up and do something crazy. Still, there was no telling how well the potion would work on a cat. Ashtoe was left back at Headquarters dubbed as the Bodyguard of Headquarters although there were no bodies to guard. He took the title with pride and wished Two good luck on her way out.

Two hopped out of the Cargwheels and got her stuff out. Friskyweed's cage was hoisted into a wheelbarrow that she pulled behind her with her other stuff including Dr. Lorkhead's famous Cookie Cake Crumble Crunch.

Probably should eat this for breakfast, she decided because it might not work during travel. Turning back to them all she gave a wink and a smirk and said, "Not looking forward to coming back to chaos, my minions!"

"We'll take care of everything, Leader!" Jarid huffed out his chest.

"We got this. You can count on us." Dr. Lorkhead came over to shake her hand. "Keep safe, Two."

Two nodded when Genji came over and swooped her into a hug and a long kiss right on the lips. Fancy electronic amazingness swirled around in her half-awake mind. She could see people stopping to stare at them before going about their lives. When Genji released her at last and the warmth on her lips faded away did she realize Genji was really warm and giving off heat.

"You did this to yourself," she teased him and picked up the handle of the wheelbarrow and rolled it away.

Two watched as he sheepishly returned to Jarid and Dr. Lorkhead who teased him making him blush even more. He lifted his shirt up to hide his face, but it just made Jarid holler with laughter. She wasn't even leaving them this time around, but it made her feel a little sad that she wouldn't get to be with them or see or hear them the coming days.

With a final wave, she pulled the wheelbarrow after her and realized that this traveling alone had not happened in quite a while. Especially such long distance. Once in the airport, she spotted him and smacked herself on the forehead for forgetting she was not traveling alone one bit.

Wizard Grayhound spotted her and waved his arm frantically in the air as if trying to catch her attention that he already had. She could tell by his slightly crazed eyes and grayed cheeks that he had not been taking his medicine this week. Maybe he took it last night to try to get away with not taking it, but Two was not stupid.

"Two! Wait, I can call you Two, right? Or should I say—"

"Grayhound. We have a plane to catch. We'll eat that on the plane," she said and pointed to the Cookie Cake Crumble Crunch. In slow motion she could almost see his eyes bulge and his mouth watered and he wiped off the drool with his sleeve making a slurping sound. Two noticed he didn't have any bags with him.

Two and the Last Year on Earth ✓ [humor, sci-fi, romance]Where stories live. Discover now