Act 12: White Rainbow Train

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Behind the Orange Blimp Café was a white train station, which was strange because there was no train or train tracks. As they waited at the platform and Two was beginning to wonder if she should try one of the buttons on the pineapple device even though nothing was white, something puffed some white puffy thing into the air. It was coming from the roof.

"Cloudcloud Maker?" Pentip said widening their orange-tinted purple eyes. It was an old Stellian machine. The Cloudcloud Maker was a few couple hundred constellations old and not in use anymore. The clouds that puffed out made actual things but in cloud form and there appeared in front of them a train cloud. It settled down in front of the platform and shook itself to reveal a white train with only one car and with a penciled drawing of rainbows all over it but with no color.

"All aboard the White Rainbow Train," came a voice from the conductor's window and the snowman poked his head out. He shook himself and turned into a man with charcoal skin and orange eyes. "I'm Charcoal Man. I will take you to places, but you need to get on first."

"Fine then," Two said with a shrug and got on the train with Pentip.

"White Rainbow Train will take you to Place One first!" Charcoal Man announced and the train began to move. Two and Pentip sat next to each other and watched out the window as the train flew up to the sky.

As they flew higher, Pentip nudged Two. "I feel a time shift."

They were right. A muggy, moist, time shift was coming like a monsoon. Two adjusted her inner workings to match the oncoming time shift. It was going to a time in the future and that was when Two finally understood why the Stellianorigin had come—Two saw a vision of herself staying on AERA7-0 because she had fallen in love with Jarid. They were looking at each other and smiling. Only a Stellianorigin could show her what was to come with the way things and feelings were going now.

"Ink bleeding!" Pentip cursed. "You wouldn't! Stellians cannot stay after the year is over."

"I never thought I would," Two admitted. "He's only a friend."

"Place Two!" Charcoal Man said the White Rainbow Train lurched and began to free-fall but the gravity inside wasn't affected. As they fell, Two saw Stellagaza.

"Oh, I miss that!" Pentip cried. Stellagaza's midnight blue, Orbital Atmosphere was churning like buttermilk around the solid mass of constellationous dark matter. Starmasses embedded in the matter made up, what humans would call, countries. Two could almost see her own home amidst the sparkles of life and Creativity bonanza.

Without warning, the vision flashed and changed to Two in front of the Director pleading to him to let Jarid go because it wasn't his fault that she failed to follow orders. Then the scene changed to Jarid getting his memory zapped of her, his humanness, and then the vision changed to him being genetically reconstructed into a Stellian.

"Last Place Three!" Charcoal Man said and Two rubbed her eye feeling a tear. She could never let that happen. Jarid was her friend that belonged on AERA7-0!

The muggy time shift returned again, and they were back at the train station. On the platform stood the Stellianorigin who was a woman and she had Genji in handcuffs that were shaped like pineapple rings.

"Star-crossed hearts must say goodbye when sunset turns to gravy," she said in Creative Code which made Genji furrow his eyebrows in utter confusion, but Two winced because she knew what it was all about. Pentip held her hand and together they channeled the Creative Code between each other in order to process it in their wiring so Two could answer in the correct Creative Code without creating confusion.


Note: Stellagaza was certainly hard to describe. It's an inside-out planet. 

Basically, it's a dark blue sphere with constellations all over it. Those constellations are countries. The Orbital Atmosphere is kind of like if you took white hurricane clouds and put the turning clouds in space around the planet.

Any questions about Stellagaza's appearance or how it works? Ask below or wait until the rest of the story ;)

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