'She wouldn't be taken alive'

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             *if it was Clarke that 'died'
                 Instead of Octavia*

Bellamy sat on the cold, hard floor hoping his people were ok.

Well... his people as in Clarke.

Every time he says he did it for Octavia or his people. He was lying.

Everything he did was for Clarke.


Clarke ran until she came to a dead end. A cliff.

"Theirs no where to hide, just come peacefully." Echo asks

"Like that will ever happen" Clarke retorted.
A  guard jumps off there horse and walks up to her.

One punch, 2, 3. Until he finally falls. She takes his sword. Clarke takes off her jacket then throws it on the ground.

"Its just you and me" Clarkes voice is  deep and threatening.

"Bellamy she will be fine" Kane reassures Him.

Bellamy hears the cell doors open and Roan, Echo, and two guards step in.

"On your feet" Echo snaps.

"Were bringing you home" Roan tells them.

"Your ship is shelter for primfiya so i in tend to take it" Roan says almost as of he rubbing it in there faces.

They turn to leave.

"Clarke will get there first, she'll warn them your coming. You'll lose."

Roan looks at Echo and nods.

Echo turns around.

She takes a step towards him and pulls out Clarks jacket.

Bellamy stares at the jacket.

"She wouldn't be taken alive" Roan whispers.

Bellamy slowly shakes his head letting a tear escape.

"No" he whispers

"It was a good death" Echos voice is full of sympathy.

Bellamy turns around using the bars for support.

"NO, NOOOOOO" He cries.

He slowly slides down the bars.

The two guards grab him and drag him away but at this point he doesn't care.

The love of his life is dead. The only person who still gives  a damn about him.

She may have not known it but he loves her and if there was any way he could have traded positions with her he would.

He deserves to die.

She didn't.

They took Bellamy and Kane to a horse.

"Don't get any ideas about warning your people...you won't make there in time anyways, this is our slowest horse, even slower with two people."

Roan walks away leaving Bellamy and Kane.

"You go warn them, it will be faster with only one person. I will walk." Bellamy tells him.

"No i'm not le-

"DO IT KANE" Bellamy yells cutting him off.

Kane new better than to argue with him.


Bellamy starts towards Arkadia. He knew this route well but it will take at least a day before he reached it.

He walks  along side a river thinking about Clarke.

Her hair, Smile, Eyes. She was everything he wasn't.

She was good.

He heard a horse behind him but  doesn't turn around.

"Kane i told you no and No means No"Bellamy waves him off.

Instead of someone answering he hears something hit the ground.

Bellamy turns around to see her helpless body laid on the ground.

"B...ll...my" Clarkes voice is barley a whisper and her voice is hoarse.

"CLARKE!" He runs to her and cradles her in his arms.

"Your going to be ok" He sobs.

He picks her up and washes her off in the river.

Bellamy takes off his shirt and uses it to stop the bleeding.

"Bellamy, i'm scared..pl...please don't leave me" She pleaded.

"Never" He rocks her back and forth.

"I love you"

He kisses her softly as if she might break.

But as soon as he pulls away he heard her last breath.

Dun. Dun. Dunn. Guys i am evil, go ahead beat me with a stick.
Oh and if you ever have any idea please share them.

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