' They Killed Clarke '

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                 *Bellamy mourning*

Bellamy sits on the cold hard floor with his head in his hands.

He silently cries as he remembers her laugh.



He remembers how she could brighten up anybody's day with just a smile.

How she didn't give up when it got hard.

Didn't stop until everyone was safe from Praimfaya even if that meant she sacrificed herself.

How she wouldn't stop until jasper was ok and safe.

He knows that she's special.

Because he loves her.

He had so many chances to tell her but he didn't, he would procrastinate and now it's too late.

Maybe if he would have paid more attention, he could have saved her.

Now he has to live in a world without her and he doesn't even know if its possible.

He let Echo and everyone distract him and now she's gone.

Madi will have to grow up without a mom.

The world may not even make it without her.

Bellamy stands up, Chains rattling.

The door opens and the guards throw Murphy in.

"You to?" Bellamy asked.

Murphy nods and looks down.

"You know Clarke may have not told you but she cared for you. For all of us." Bellamy tells him.

Tears start to rise in Bellamys eyes again.

"Hey it's going to be ok"Murphy runs over to Bell and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"No it's not, Clarke is the one who saves us and sacrifices for us every time something gets hard. She's the one who carries all the weight on her shoulders se we don't have to." Bellamy starts to sob again.

Then his eyebrows scrunch together and his tears stop flowing.

"Why aren't you restrained like me?" Bellamy asks suspiciously.

Murphy stares at the floor looking for an excuse. An answer.

"Bellamy i..."

Bellamys blood boils.

"YOUR HELPING HER. WHAT DID SHE OFFER." Bellamy basically screams.

"Immortality. Clarkes already gone so whats the point in fighting."

"Clarke may be gone but that doesn't mean we sit here AND DO NOTHING. No we need to avenge her. Make sure that her death isn't in vain." Bellamy glares at Murphy.

The door opens and two guards walk in along with Josephine and

Bellamy jumps to his feet.

"I'm sorry for your loss but if it was Clarke that was in the chip wouldn't you want to sacrifice someone to bring her back" Russell Says.

"Your not sorry." "And Clarke deserves to be brought back. I would sacrifice myself to bring her back. Not an innocent life" Bellamy retorts.

"Clarke is not innocent. So we didn't take an innocent life." Josephine smirks.

" She is more than worthy of being alive unlike you" Bellamy glares at her.

"Anyways, we want peace. We will not harm anymore of your people." Russell  Reasons

"Bring Clarke back and maybe that will happen" Bellamy sits back down on the floor.

"Not possible"

They walk out with Murphy among them.

Clarke didn't deserve this.

She deserved better.

Is it possible to miss something you never had.

He loves Clarke and he would give anything to bring her back.

So the one shot i did called "We can't lose Clarke" Is how this one ends. This is just him mourning.

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