The Great Wanheda!

491 10 17

               *Switching the episode
                             Up a bit*

Bellamy eagerly jogged through the woods until he found a sign.

A sign that she was safe.


He stoped at a poll with fresh blood stains.

Is she hurt?

Just pass the poll is a fight of stairs going down into a cave.

He slowly crept down the stairs and around the corner.

He looked in the middle of the room.

Another poll but theres a rope rapped around it.

His eyes found someones hands tied to it.


He runs over to her and pulls down the gag.

"Clarke! I'm going to get you out of here." Bellamy smiles.

Clarke smiles back as he unties her hands.

Bellamy helps her stand as she catches her balance.

Clarke smiles as she looks up into his eyes but that smiles turns to a frown as she looks just pass his shoulder.

"BELLAMY watch out" She yells even though he was right in front of her.

Bellamy quickly turns around and dodges the knife that was thrown at him.

"What are you doing here, all alone?" The mans voice is a harsh whisper.

"What are you doing with Clarke"
Bellamy retorts.

Roan smirks.

"I'm Roan kum Azegda"

"And i'm Bellamy kum skykru" Bellamy smirks back.

"Guys" Clarkes voice is a loud whisper.

Bellamy turns his head and his heart drops.

Clarke stands there with her hand over her stomach that had been hit by the knife.

Clarkes eyes roll to the back of her head and she falls to the floor.

Bellamy runs to her side and holds her head.

He looks at her blonde wavy hair.

Her smooth skin.

All that is about to be taken away from him.

"Come on Clarke fight."

"Go, go to your people and let them heal her" Roan says.

"I'm confused i thought you wanted her dead?" Bellamy looks at the man in confusion.

"No, i was trying to protect her from the Ice Queen." "Now go before its too late" and just like that Roan runs away.

Bellamy picks up Clarkes limb body and runs.

Runs as fast he can.

He has to make it back in time.

He looks down at Clarke.

He knows he could trip from not watching were he's going but,

He can't help it.

He has longed to see her face for months now.
The girl in his arms. So fragile and weak.

So venerable and scared.

He hates to see her in so much pain.


Bellamy ran straight into camp.

"HELP SOMEONE please help" he pleads

Abby runs out of med bay and heads towards all the commotion.

"Let me through" she says as she pushes through the crowd of people.

When Abby reached Bellamy she froze.

"Clarke!?" Abby takes Clarke out of Bellamy arms and hurries to med bay.

"JACKSON get my bag off the table" She orders as she enters the room.

She lays Clarke down with her doctor face on and starts to examine her.

"She Didn't hit anything important." She looks at Bellamy "she got lucky" Abbys eyes fill up with tears.

Bellamy walk over and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"She will be a ok" but even Bellamy wasn't convinced.


"Where am I?" The girl whispers.

She slowly lifts herself up wincing at the pain in her stomach.

"Hey, easy" Bellamy puts one hand on her back which send shivers down her spine.

"Bellamy" She croaks.

Bellamys eyes are teary and tired.

She embraces him in a long hug. The man she loves is in her arms.

Once they release Bellamy looks into Clarkes eyes.

Absolutely beautiful.

Thats the only way to describe her looks.

"C..Clarke i thought i lost you. I thought you were dead because of me. That knife was supposed to hit me" Bellamy starts to sob.

Clarke smashes  her lips to his.

Bellamy sat there in shock but soon found himself kissing back.

Clarke pulls away and looks at the ground.

"I'm sorry, i...I shouldn't have did that" A tear rolls down her cheek.

Bellamy puts his finger under her chin and lifts her head up.

"Don't Be"

He kisses her softly at first. Then Clarke deepens the kiss.

They pull away.

"There in love" Jackson whispers to Abby.

"Yeah, they are"

This one is really good. Come one admit it. Please comment.
I want to thank Depressed_potato for all the feed back.

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