Chapter 2: This New Feeling

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You walked towards the principal's office and stopped just outside the door. You took a deep breath and knocked. A woman's voice could be heard on the other side.

"Come in." She said with a rather graceful voice.

You opened the door and saw a woman with pure white skin and beautiful flowing hair. She wore a light brown suit over her purple vest. She was sitting at her desk sorting out papers and putting them in the correct files. For some reason, you couldn't help but feel like she somehow had a lot of authority despite being a principal. She looks at you with a gentle smile.

"May I help you with something young man?" She asked

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"May I help you with something young man?" She asked.

"I'm Anon. I came to get my schedule." You said.

She nods. "Ahh yes, your mom called me this last Friday." She stood up from her chair and held out her hand. "I'm Principal Celestia. It's nice to meet you. Welcome to Canterlot High."

You shook her hand and you took a seat in front of her desk as she sat in her own.

"I believe that you are going have a wonderful time here at our school. The students here are magnificent once you get to know them." She said while smiling.

"I heard. To be honest, this is the very first school that I've ever been to that was really great. Not just with the campus, but the students as well. Everyone here is really nice." You said with a smile.

"That's very good to hear, wait for just a moment please. I'll get your schedule right away." She says as she stood up and walked to one of her file cabinets. She began to go through each file to find the one with your information inside. As she was searching, you picked up and started reading some of the newspapers that she had on her desk. You were confused by what you read.

Apparently, a bunch of strange things have happened at this school involving magic. One involved a demon trying to take over an alternate universe during the fall formal, one that involved three girls who apparently acted like Sirens who tried to take over the world with their singing during the musical showcase which was later called the Battle of the Bands, one involving giant Venus fly traps, portals, and a student who was controlled by magic during the Friendship Games, and another event involving the students going on a field trip to Camp Everfree when one of the camp counselors turned into a power crazed lunatic who was apparently scared of losing the camp to local billionaire Filthy Rich and she was having none of it by trapping everyone with giant thorny vines.

You were a bit skeptical at first until you saw the picture with the third article. From what you saw, there used to be a giant horse statue on top of the four mirror pedestal in the front yard of the school before it was blown to smithereens by the student controlled by magic. You didn't see the statue when you came to the school so you just assumed at first that the pedestal was just for the mirrors. Boy, and you thought that you went through so many crazy things in your life.

Before you could think about this any longer, Principal Celestia finally grabbed a file with your name on it. She handed it to you and you opened it to find a list of school events and time periods as well as your schedule.

"Alright, there you go. If you need anything you are always welcome to come by my office anytime. Or if I'm not here you can speak with my sister Vice Principal Luna. Her office is just few doors down away from mine." She said as she took a seat in her chair.

"Thank you so much with this." You said as you beamed at her.

"You're welcome, it is my job after all. But before you go, you should probably get a tour of the school before you head to your first class." She says as she picks up a school microphone and presses the button. "Sunset Shimmer, please report to my office. I have a student who needs a tour." She says before letting go of the button. Sunset Shimmer? Nice name. Weird, but nice.

You and Celestia wait for a few minutes until someone knocks on the door.

"Come in Sunset." Celestia calls out before the door opens.

When you saw who stepped through the door, you could have sworn that your heart went into hyper drive because it suddenly started beating a lot faster when you saw her. She was a very beautiful girl with red and yellow highlights in her hair who wore a black leather jacket with some orange on the sleeves. She wore a light blue dress underneath the jacket with pants to go along with it. She also wore high heeled boots that matched her jacket.

"Hi Principal Celestia

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"Hi Principal Celestia." She says with a smile before turning towards you. "So he's the one that I need to show around the school?" She asked as she eyed you.

"Yes, I hope that I didn't pull you out of anything important." Celestia says.

"Nah, I was just hanging out with my friends. I'd be more than happy to show the new guy around the school." Sunset says with a lot of enthusiasm. She turns to you and holds out her hand. "Hi, I'm Sunset Shimmer. It's nice to meet you."

You couldn't answer her at first as you were mesmerized by her sheer beauty. What was this feeling? You've never felt it before in your whole life. Just looking at her is inducing this new feeling. Sunset smiled as she raised an eyebrow at your shocked expression. She giggled as she waved her hand in front of your face.

"Um, hello? Anyone home?" She jokingly asked.

You snapped out of your trance by shaking your head.

"W-What? Oh, um, I'm Anon. It's nice to meet you too." You said as the both of you shook hands.

"Well, right this way. If we want to see everything it's best that we should go now before first period starts." She says as she stands in the doorway.

"Right, right. See you later Principal Celestia." You said as you started walking out the door.

"See you later you two." She calls back.

As you followed Sunset towards the first section of the school, you couldn't help but gawk at her. You tried to understand what was going on with you, but you just couldn't put it into words. This new feeling upon seeing her and your inability to talk normally around her, what could it be? Perhaps it's another feeling that was suppressed by the constant depression in your life. You just didn't know what to call it.

A love that can heal your pain (Sunset Shimmer x Anonymous Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now