Chapter 6: Time with Sunset

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"And that's how my day went." You finished talking about your day to your mom and dad during dinner. They both had the biggest grins on their faces.

"Well it's such a relief that your having such a great time at school Anon, right dear?" Your mom asks your dad.

"It sure is honey. So Anon, did anything else happen with that Sunset girl you were talking about?" Your dad asked with a sly grin which also lead to your mom having the same facial expression. You started to blush while trying to avoid eye contact.

"Uhh.....well, as a matter of fact something did kind of happen." You said with a hint of nervousness. Your parents became curious upon hearing this.

"Well what is it son?" Your father asked.

"Before you picked me up from school mom, Sunset actually came up to me and gave me her number." You said which surprised both of your parents.

"Well well well, looks like my son has finally gotten a girls number." Your father said with a coy smile.

"Also, Sunset actually asked me if I wanted to hang out with her on Friday this week. I was wondering if it's okay if I can go?" You asked. Both of your parents seemed confused by your question.

"What kind of question is that sweetie? Of course you can go. Right dear?" Your mom asked your dad.

"Yeah absolutely! A girl asking our son to her place, I always knew this day would come!" Your dad exclaimed happily. You on the other hand were constantly looking away with your face being red with embarrassment.

"Well, alright then. I hope you guys can stay entertained without me." You said jokingly.

"Of course we can Anon! We hope you have a great time with Sunset." She says with an eager smile along with your father who was nodding.

"And if she tries to go in for a kiss, you let it happen." Your dad said jokingly. Your mom playfully punches his shoulder.

"Dear come on! Don't joke like that it's way too early!" Your mom says which gets a chuckle out of him.

"Aw, come on honey, didn't we kiss during our first hangout when we were his age?" He said jokingly. She scoffed at him.

"Yeah right." She says while shaking her head. Your dad winks at you which you chuckled at before resuming with dinner.


Friday Afternoon

After the school day was finished, you waited outside for Sunset Shimmer. A few minutes pass until you see Sunset and the others walking out the front doors. She sees you and smiles before saying goodbye to the others. They wave to you and you wave back before they take their leave and Sunset walks up to you and surprised you with a hug.

"Hey Anon." She says while still hugging you. You hugged her back.

"Hey Sunset, ready to go?" You ask before breaking the hug. She nods before leading you to her house. After about a five to ten minute walk, the two of you make it to her house. It was a simple two story orange building. You and Sunset walk towards the door but something makes you stop dead in your tracks. For some reason, something deep down inside you was telling you not to do this. You weren't sure why you were feeling like this. It was a simple hangout with a friend nothing more, right? You felt something crawl down your cheek and you wiped it to see a single tear. A tear? You were crying? Why were you crying? You were brought out of your thoughts by Sunset saying your name.

"Anon? Are you okay?" She asked whilst giving a concerned look. You look back at her before getting rid of the tear quickly before smiling at her.

A love that can heal your pain (Sunset Shimmer x Anonymous Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now