Chapter 7: A Sunset with Sunset

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Saturday Morning

The sun rose on another day as the sunshine beamed through your bedside window. This didn't wake you up however as you were in the middle of a nightmare. In it, you were running in a dark void away from creatures that looked like your friends except they were more like gremlins almost. They were trying to get to you but you wouldn't let them. As you were running, a huge flame wall burst in front of you and behind you. You looked up to see what looked to be Sunset Shimmer, but was more.......demonic looking. Her hair was standing straight up, her skin was a hellish red, and her eyes were soulless black with cyan irises. The demon looked down upon you and laughed sinisterly.

"Do you honestly think that you're "friends" actually want you around?! You are sadly mistaken! They are only with you out of PITY! They don't care about you and they never will!!" The demon bellowed. You fell to the ground slowly backing away from this creature with tears in your eyes.

"No......NO!! I refuse to believe you!! They are my friends!! They would never hurt me!!" You screamed at the demon. But this only angered her.

"They don't care!! NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU!!  Have you seriously forgotten the last time this happened?!" She roared at you. This only confused you.

"What are you talking about?!" You asked. The demon gets a smirk on her face.

"You don't remember do you?" She asked. You say there trying to figure out what she meant by that. Before you can think about it more the demon starts laughing again.

"This is so sad!! I can't believe that you can't remember!! I'll tell you what, I'll leave you to remember on your own!! Until then, YOU'R MINE!!!" She screams while reaching out for you while passing through the flames like they were nothing. You tried to get back up but the darkness was holding you down.

"No.....Nooo.......NOOOOOOO!!!!!" You yelled as you woke up screaming. You sat up panting heavily as you held your face in your hands. Your face was stained with tears as you got a grip on reality again.

"Man, what a horrible dream." You said to yourself. That demon had to have been wrong. Your friends did care about you, Sunset Shimmer cares about you, right? As you were thinking about what happened, your mom and dad came briskly walking in to see if you were okay.

"Anon, are you alright? We heard you screaming and we came to check on you." Your mom said with a worried expression. Your dad had the same look as you tried to calm yourself.

"Yeah......yeah I'm okay. Just a nightmare is all." You said while trying not to worry them.

"A nightmare?" Your father asked. You nodded in response. "Do you wanna talk about?"

"Honey, he doesn't have to if doesn't want to." Your mom said back to him.  You were all right with talking about it.

"No, no it's alright mom. I'd like to talk about it." You said reassuringly. She looks back at you.

"Are you sure sweetheart?" She asked. You nodded before telling them what happened in the dream. You left out the part where the demon said that you had forgotten something because you wanted to deal with it on your own. They were surprised upon hearing all of it but they kept quiet until you were finished.

"Man, that sounds like one nasty nightmare." Your father commented. You nodded before turning to the both of them.

"I'm fine you guys. It's just a bad dream." You say while putting on a smile, but you were really only doing this to not make them worry. They both understood and stood back up from sitting on your bed.

"Alright sweetie,  we just want to make sure you're okay. Anyways, breakfast is about to start so come on down when you're ready." Your mom said before kissing your forehead and walking out and your dad lightly ruffled your hair and followed her out. You got dressed in your casual clothes before going to the bathroom to freshen up. You washed your face with water before looking at yourself in the mirror.

A love that can heal your pain (Sunset Shimmer x Anonymous Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now