Chapter 3: Making New Friends

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"And these are the art classes." Sunset says as she showed you a different section of the school.

You tried to listen to what she said, you really did, but you just couldn't help but stare at her from time to time. The way of how her hair would effortlessly shimmer in the sun and that remarkable smile that can brighten a dark room. It was all just captivating.

"Hey, are you listening?" She says looking back at you with a slight giggle in her voice.

"Huh, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, I-I was listening." You stuttered trying to cover the fact that you were staring.

She giggles once again. "You seem distracted, is everything okay?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah, yeah, I was just thinking. I've just got a lot of things on my mind right now, you know? With me being new here and all. Just wondering about what I'll experience." You said nervously trying to cover up the actual reason.

"Well, I hope you remember what I showed you today or else you'll probably get lost." She said teasing you.

"Don't worry, I think I've got a pretty decent idea of where to go." You said trying to reassure her.

"I'll take your word for it. Anyway, now that that's out of the way. Is it okay if I ask you something?" Sunset asked.

"Sure. Fire away." you responded.

"Would you like to join me and my friends for lunch today? I'd like to introduce you to them. I hope that it wouldn't be weird or anything. What with you being the only guy there." She asked.

"Uhh, sure. I'll meet your friends. I'm pretty sure that I won't be doing anything during that time anyway." You responded.

She smiles at your answer. "Great."

Before you could utter another word, the bell for first period rings. Dang it, you were hoping to talk to her a little bit longer. Oh well, at least you'll be able to do it during lunch. You hope that her friends are nice.

"Well, I've gotta get going. I'll see you later Anon." She says as she started walking away.

"You too, Sunset." You responded as you waved her Good-bye.

You started walking towards your first period which was History. Things seemed to be going really well between you and Sunset. She seemed to like talking to you as much as you did with her. You still had no idea what you were feeling when you talked or even looked at her. This was probably something that you could ask someone about.  Maybe your parents perhaps.


After your first set of classes, you head to the cafeteria. You were greeted by what you would usually find in a cafeteria: tables lined up in rows, seats, the bar where you get your food, the whole works. You entered through the double doors and went to get your lunch. When you grabbed your tray, you looked around for somewhere to sit.

"Anon! Over here!" Sunset calls gaining your attention.

You look over in her direction and see her sitting with six other girls. She motions for you to sit next to her as the others look at you. You put on a smile and walk over and sit next to her. Sunset turns her attention to the others.

"Girls, this is Anon. He transferred here today." She says as she looks back at you. "Anon." She begins listing them one by one.

"This is Twilight Sparkle." "Hi there." Twilight says.
"Applejack." "Howdy." Applejack says.
"Rarity." "Hello darling." Rarity says.
"Pinkie Pie." "HI!!!!" Pinkie shouts happily.
"Rainbow Dash" "Sup." Rainbow says.
"And Fluttershy" "Um...hi." Fluttershy says in a whisper but can still be heard.

"Hey Everybody." You responded.

"So, where are you from Anon?" Twilight asked.

You paused for a moment. That was honestly a good question; for you at least. As you passed through life and constantly traveled, you never really had the time or effort to memorize where you've been. Everything was always a blur from start to finish ever since you were born due to you always being depressed. You just never had that kind of incentive to want to remember. Now that Twilight is asking this question, you honestly didn't have an answer.

"Uh......I don't really know." You answered honestly.

Twilight, Sunset, and the others were confused by your answer.

"What do ya mean ya don't know?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know. It never really occurred to me to ever remember where I go and where I've been until now." You said.

"You mean you don't know where you came from? So, does that make you an orphan then darling?" Rarity asked.

"No, I'm not. I have a mom and a dad and I still live with them. It's just that I've never taken the time to ever remember my surroundings." You said as you started feeling the sadness return.

The girls were even more confused. There was silence for a moment until Rainbow Dash spoke up. "Well, why don't you just ask your parents then?" She asked.

"Well, that's another thing. They travel so much that they too never really take the time to get acquainted each place that we visited." You said.

"Um...can we ask why you constantly moved?" Fluttershy asked.

You stayed silent for a few moments. To be honest, you didn't really want to answer that question because....well, you know the reason.

"Uh.....well....I uh." You tried to say trying to hold back the rising depression.

"Hey, if you don't wanna talk about it, then that's fine." Sunset said with a reassuring smile.

You cheered up instantly upon hearing her words. "Thanks." You responded. "So, what's your guys' story?"

This earned smiles from Sunset's circle of friends. You learned about each of them and their respectable interests. Twilight Sparkle was a scientist and bookworm who once attended another school called Crystal Prep Academy, Applejack worked on a farm with her family, Rarity was a fashionista who made all kinds of clothing, Pinkie Pie was a party planner who always strived to make her friends laugh and smile, Rainbow Dash was the captain of pretty much every sports team at Canterlot High, and Fluttershy was a quiet girl who loves animals so much that she volunteers her time at the local animal shelter in town. You grew to like each and everyone of them and they seemed to like you too. These girls were without a doubt some of the greatest people that you've ever met.

Some of the kids that you met previously in the other schools that you attended often pretended to be your friends just so they could stab you in the back later on. These girls however, they were different. You felt like you could have an actual friendship with them. You honestly couldn't believe it; things were finally turning around for you. You can finally be happy after many years of sadness. You couldn't wait for the next day when you would see them again, especially Sunset Shimmer.

A love that can heal your pain (Sunset Shimmer x Anonymous Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now