Chapter 1: Mare

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School is totally the worst

Hi! So here is the first chapter! I hope you enjoy it! By the way see if you catch some references. 😈

The ceaseless beeping of my alarm clock finally wakes me up. Gisa's already up, as usual. She has a before school job at middle school age, which is actually really impressive. She also gets straight As, while I get get straight Ds. When I don't try. But who does? I really hate my high school. Norta High is unoriginally named after my town, Norta. I live in the poor section, or Stilts, as we call it. The guy in charge is some super rich guy named Tiberias.

He has a requirement thing that I hate, that on the outside seems nice, but just isn't. If you don't have a job by 18, he requires you to work under him for ten or more years because, apparently we are all delinquents. Fun! Not.

And it's only for Stilts. Apparently some street gang called the Scarlet Guard is causing mischief in other poor areas of towns. And that's just the most recent one. Apparently, the new policy imposed by him suppose "teach today's poor youth they can become something".What a pack of lies. We can't help what happens. And he just does that to get free labor. Everyone knows it.

That's why I steal. Not only to bring money home, but to prove point to this jerk. We are fine on our own. You only care because it effects you.

I quickly throw on my olive green sweat shirt over my only t-shirt. I get on some worn leather boots and quickly throw my curly, messy hair into a ponytail. I steal a bit of toast off Gisa's plate before rushing out the door. She just rolls her eyes and waves goodbye. I hoist my raggedy, old backpack onto my back, bulging with books. I start walking a long way to school.

My friend Kilorn, a buddy from off the streets, meets up with me halfway there. He has a job, unlike me. He fishes. I swear on my life that that is his job. He has a buddy who does it with him, but he goes to Goode School, in New York City. We live in New York state. Fishing is old fashioned but remarkably good business. People apparently like fresh fish. Apparently.

I wrinkle my nose in disgust.

"Kilorn, why do you insist on making your fish deliveries on the way to school? Could you do it some other time? Preferably when I'm not with you?" He tilts his head, mock thinking.

"I considered it, but then, I realized something. I can't annoy you if I do it at a different time." He smirks at me, dodging my well aimed punch. He doesn't escape my second attack so easily. He hobbles the rest of the way to school.

I take a deep breath before walking in, ready to face the Slivers, Stilts slang for rich. The kids of all the rich people all cluster together, in a complicated hierarchy I could never understand. Each wears a certain color, showing their rank. As I understand it, the rank comes from their parents. They glare at us Stilts kids as we walk by, too high and mighty to deal with the likes of us. Except when they want to. It's supposed to be a thing, that everyone in that group gets to bully, harrass, torment, or order around a Stilts kid. My personal tormenter is Evangeline Samos, her dad runs Apple. Very rich and also the girlfriend of Tiberias Calore jr.. I end up very surprised when Evangeline doesn't immediately go to shove towards the locker, my morning wake up call. She decides to torment this blonde new girl, another Stilts kid by the looks of her, by shoving her to the floor. The girl gets up with a bloody nose, cursing. The entire group laughs at her expense, while every Stilts kid briefly turns around to offer a bit of sympathy.

The girls eyes flash with anger, and she notices the boy standing next to Evangeline. Her brother. Without hesitation the blonde girl smacks him across the face. The laughter immediately stops. The Samos twins advance in unison.

"You little!" Before the Samos brother attempts murder, I step in diverting their attention. Their family has had a soft spot for Barrows. Ptolummes used to torment Shade endlessly, even though Ptolemus is my age and younger than Shade.

"Good morning!" I say with a sweeping bow for dramatic effect. "Hello Evangeline, Ptolemus. Just wondering when I would receive my daily wake up call. It's just so sad when I don't get shoved into a locker every morning. Breaks my heart. Truly, it does." Evangeline rolls her eyes at me, advancing. She growls threateningly. I stand my ground.

"Get out of the way Barrow."

"Gladly," I say, dragging the other girl with me. Fast. She's taller than me, but I pull her easily. She is light. Evangeline screams in frustration. I lost Kilorn back there. Hopefully he's in good shape by lunch. I turn to the girl.

"Never do that again. I don't like helping people. I just hate Evangeline. I enjoy making her look bad. So never do it again because no one will step in." The girl smirks.

"You didn't even ask my name." Her voice contains a small accent, almost northernish. "It's Diana but I prefer Farley. And since you were so cheerful this morning, I believe I will leave you in peace." With that she turns around and flounces away. Huh. The second bell rings abruptly. Shoot. I'm late.

I quickly turn around and walk into  room to 301, my first period of the day. I quickly glance to see what class I'm taking and who is teaching it. The study of the human brain, taught by a Dr. Calore. I wince. This is not going to be fun.

I slink in trying to remain hidden, and for a good reason. The teacher is Dr. Elara Merandus Calore, a very famous Psychiatrist. She is cruel, and always favors the Sliver kids, even though rumor has it she hates her step-son.  I try to hide from the Sliver kids and slowly make it to the back of the room, while Dr. Calore quickly turns around and catches me in action.

"Miss Barrow, late as usual. I thought you would want to turn yourself around this year, but apparently not." The Sliver kids giggle and laugh at me, except two. One remains at attention, waiting for the doctor to start class. The other looks down, almost ashamed.

"So sorry I got stuck in the hallways after almost being attacked by a fellow student. But yes, by all means let us discuss how it's a problem that I'M a minute late." As soon as the words leave my mouth, I regret it. All Calores are infamous for their tempers. They get set off easily. Although, I appear to be remarkably good at it. I'm spark that sets off their flame. The two black haired boys immediately turn my way, one wincing, the other hyperventilating. Dr. Calore smacks me right across the face.

"Watch your mouth little girl." Then she returns to class and starts teaching. I zone out for most of it, I don't even like this class. But apparently it's required to have some remedial knowledge of the brain. Finally the bell rings. I run out, not wanting to be in the same room with that witch of a teacher for too long. I quickly dodge Evangeline, hoping to make it on time to my next class. I sigh in relief when I make it on time. The class actually is in the library, a good place to hide. Then I realize that there are six people in this class. The Farley girl, the two black haired boys, me, and the Samos twins. No good seats today. The only seat happens to be right in between the black haired boys. When I see their backpacks with a fire insignia on them I realize I am right in between the Calore brothers.  Nothing could go wrong now.

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