Chapter 3

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AP biology class concluded, and it was now lunch. I was fitting my textbook into my bag when I felt someone touch my shoulder.

"Hey, is that a violin?" I turned around to see a girl. She had long brown hair, green eyes, and wore a green long sleeved top and black skirt.

"Yeah," I nodded slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Cool. I play the alto saxophone," she said then squinted at me.

"You're new here right?" she asked. It seemed like everyone in this school could tell when someone was new.

"My first day actually." 

"Nice. Hey, you should sit with us," she gestured. I raised my eyebrows. I had just made a new friend with minimal effort. My parent's wouldn't be prouder.

"Sure," I smiled.

"Great! Come one," She gestured for me to follow. Outside was bright and sunny, though you could feel the breeze of the cold air from the approaching winter. She walked me over to the lunch table where two guys and a girl sat.

"Guys, we have a new member," she said setting her bag down on the table. "This is -" the girl looked at me then her wide eyes widened.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I never even asked what your name was," she burst out laughing. "I'm Jane."

"Eve," I said with a small smile.

"Eve, this is my friend Rosie," she pointed to the girl with short black hair and blue eyes, "Thomas," she gestured to the guy with glasses and one heck of a defined jawline. "And that's Aidan," she pointed to the Korean guy with black curls who was lost in a book.

"We're all in orchestra," Jane ended.

I nodded, remembering what my mom had told me about the prestige of the school's orchestra. "So you all passed the auditions?" I asked.

They all looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"No, I think you have it mixed up. We're on regular orchestra and band. Advanced orchestra requires auditions," Thomas said adjusting his glasses. "A spot on that orchestra is a coveted position."

"But it is possible to get a spot?" I asked.

"Yes...but it's hard. Even the best sometimes don't get a spot. I'd like to think it's cause the school has so many good musicians, and can't guarantee a spot for all," Jane shrugged.

"Unless your Robin Woods." Rosie smirked with a mouth full of celery. I glanced at her. Robin Woods. My curiosity for who he was instantly sparked again.

"Who's that?" I asked a little too eagerly. Jane looked at me as if surprised I didn't know he was, then seemed to remember I was new.

"Status wise, his parents are pretty goddamn famous. And by pretty goddamn famous, I mean world class level," Thomas said seriously. "His mom plays the violin and his dad plays the piano, and they are currently the number one players in the world, according to Time Magazine."

"Robin also plays the violin too, and as you can expect he's pretty damn good. He's already receiving so much attention, he's playing for the president of China next week."

I raised my eyebrows at this. So that was the event Mr.Kim was talking about that would be broadcasted live.

"Robin's only good because he probably receives a ton of private lessons from his mom, and the thousands of other professional players his parents are friends with. My personal opinion," Rosie said picking at her hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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