wood morning

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| smut, romance |
irene wakes seulgi up.

warnings: futa!seulgi and riding.

the morning sun peered through the thin ruffled curtains, swallowing anything in its pathway with a sparkling gold. it was saturday morning which meant that the sleeping pair on the large king sized bed were able to continue their peace without any hassles of work or anything in that ball pit. just a lazy weekend.

despite the freedom of being able to sleep, the light sleeper inside of irene gently woke her up to the gold spilling onto the grey bed sheets. she sat up with a lion’s mane for hair and yawned with her eyes still shut closed until she rubbed them with her hands and opened them, fully awakening to her surroundings. irene knew if seulgi were awake right then, the younger latter wouldn’t shut up about irene’s morning beauty. how she sparkled brighter than the golden sun and the other endless compliments she had received. irene’s cheeks tinted red and she grinned at the thought of her fiancee being so flirty in the early hours. well, technically not so early as it was eleven o’clock but still quite early morning.

the raven turned to her lover and smiled, seeing her poor baby completely knocked out from sleep. on any other day, irene would have woken seulgi up which would cause the taller to pout sleepily and grumble, an adorable sight for the older one, but since it was a saturday and remembering how tired the brunette was when she came home from work last night, she decided to let the poor girl sleep.

however, the decision didn’t stop irene from crawling up to the sleeping girl and tightly hugging her from behind with a kiss to her nape. she rubbed the bear’s arm as a warmer and finally, forced herself to slip from her lover’s touch.

irene fixed her shorts and t-shirt in the mirror of the attached bathroom and headed downstairs after putting on her bunny slippers, ones that specifically matched with seulgi’s bear ones, to make a nice breakfast.

she was always told, especially by seulgi, what an amazing cook she was. the moans of glee whenever seulgi ate her food boosted her ego and passion for cooking and therefore, she would always wake up early to prepare a full breakfast for her constantly hungry baby bear and then make even fuller meals in the later hours when her the said baby bear would moan about being hungry. irene smiled to herself about her dork of a fiancee. the girl would never stop eating like a bear that irene always compared her to, but it never showed physically due to her amazingly fit body that irene adored so very much. especially when they were getting steamy up in their bedroom.

the pronounced cook began breakfast by starting off the rice and kimchi and then proceeding to prepare the ingredients for the soybean paste soup. after a solid twenty minutes, irene was cooking everything at a well pace and was nearing the meal’s completion when a sudden loud sound made her freeze on the spot.

she swore on her life, she heard what seemed to be a loud moan come from upstairs.

with curiosity eating at her, she turned off the stove and made her way upstairs to where she heard the sound from and pushed herself inside the shared bedroom where seulgi laid, still asleep.

but irene realized something else was certainly awake.

seulgi’s length was standing tall and proud, an obvious and hard boner making itself known in her boxers that seemed as if they were about to tear from the strong pressure.

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