My little sister Jen.

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*Hey my loser of a Sis that I love !! GUESS WHAT! I'm coming to see you in Korea!! I'll be leaving after Christmas , I missed you so much !! - From Your awesome sis Jen *

" OH MY GOD !!" I screamed really loudly .
I can't believe she's coming here... Wait if it's after Christmas ... Then ...
That would be at night time and by the time she arrives it will be morning in her country so if it will be morning there and we just had christmas and its night here .... Then...

She will be arriving here really soon !!

I quickly turned off the computer , got out of my seat and ran out of my room .

" DongHae DongHae DongHae ! " I yelled out . He was the first person to Pop up in my head .

DongHae quickly came up to me .

" what do you need ? " he said looking at me worriedly .

" I need you .. Me and you need to go somewhere quickly ! " I said panting . I must be really unfit .

" oh you do . Why didn't you tell me you wanted my body ? We can go to my room " he said winking at me .

My heart quickly started to beat .

" ye- I mean wait what?! , no you stupid , we need to go to the airport quickly !"

Before he could say anything else I forcefully pushed him out of the dorm with me .


We started to wait in the airport . I looked around to see if I could find Jen . Hmm where could she be

" who are you looking for ?" He asked me .

" shhhh ! " I waved my hand in his face telling him to be quiet .

" HEY LOSER!! " I heard a familiar voice yell in English . I turned my head to see Jen running towards me .

Me and Jen both hugged each " I missed you sis !" I said .

" hey stupid , what took you so long?" She said in a annoyed tone of voice .

" I just got your message a while ago . I forgot to bring my laptop with me when I left home "

" your so stupid ... But oh well that laptop was old anyways . It hardly worked good " she said then laughed .

DongHae just looked at is confuse . I thought he knew EngLish ?

"Who's this guy?" Jen said staring at him weirdly .

She then gasp " is this your boyfriend ? " she looked at us in shock

" what?! No !, let's just go home" i said . I was sorta panicking on the inside . Don't want to tell her I like him .. Just not yet .

Jen started to laugh " you get so worked up so easily . "

" DongHae can you carry My little sis bags for me ?" I asked him giving the puppy dog eyes . He just rolled his eyes and grabbed her bags .

" hey , at least I told you who she was just now " I giggled . He just ignored me .

We all left the airport .


We were driving back to the dorm . DongHae was driving . I sorta regret asking DongHae to drive . His driving is a little bit scary .

I sat in the back with Jen.

" so Jen , Do You know korean ?" I asked

" Noo , I just randomly came to Korea , not knowing the language and looking like a complete dumbass in front of everyone " she said sarcastically.

" of coarse I learned the language , stupid!" She yelled at me and laughed .

I also started to laugh .

The whole ride was just me and Jen talking about what was going on with each other lives . I told her about living with a famous korean band and she was so shock and then she was like WOOO seeing hot Asians . It was funny .


We finally arrived at the dorm . We took are shoes off and entered the living room .

It was almost 10:30pm , so all of the members should be sleeping by now .

" Jen , we will have to share a room . My room is the last one on the left " I pointed down the hallway .

She nodded her head " got it " she started to head to my room .

" Thanks for driving me DongHae , I really appreciate it " I said smiling at him .

" no problem you just have to do something for me in return " he said smirking at me .

I gulped .

" like what ?" I asked .

He started to bring his face closer to mine .

Suddenly we heard a door open. DongHae moved his face away from mine .

We both turn are head to see Sungmin walking to us .

" oh Sungmin your still awake ? , I thought you will be sleeping by now " I looked at him confused .

" I need to talk to you " SungMin said looking at me . Hmm I wonder what it is about .

" uhh sure , I'll be right back DongHae "

DongHae nodded his head .

I went with Sungmin into his room .

As we entered , SungMin shut the door .

" what do you want to talk about? " I asked him

" it's about the kiss we had under that mistletoe " he said calmly .

" I know you only did it to save DongHae " I said faking a giggle . Even though me saying that hurt me inside

" no I didn't " he said seriously .

I looked at him confuse .

" I kissed you , because I like you " he said in a serious tone .


THATS THE ENDING OF THIS CHAPTER !! Hoped you guys like it .

Q: Do you think she will accept or reject SungMin ?

If you were in her position who will you choose
DongHae-the serious , perverted , sometimes nice and caring but just hardly doesn't show it .

EunHyuk- the caring , nice guy who always helped her get though the troubling life but always ends up getting heart broken .

SungMin - the cute , "innocent" , childish guy who is also caring and always being with Tiffany

Comment your answers ^-^

Sorry to everyone for the spam of chapters xD . I will only write two more chapters for this week then I will take a break .

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