I'm Not A Monster!

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It was the present morning and 2 weeks after she had started having the same dream. It wasn't constant but it was there. The same thing again and again..,


The knife...

Find it.

Take it.

She didn't know what was Malivore or what it had to do with her. Why did it want her to find the knife and take it. There was this sudden urge in her since the dreams had started. An urge to take the knife. But take it where? She didn't know. But she wasn't going to give in to it. She was going to find out just what was this all.

She didn't know if she should tell Freya or not. She was like a big sister and family to her. Maybe she would even know something about Malivore. Maybe she could tell Izel what was going on with her... Yes. She would tell her. She trusts her.

It was late evening when she finally went to tell Freya about it. Freya was sitting in the compound with Keelin and Vincent was getting up to bid goodbye. Keelin was sitting, relaxing, not allowed to do anything since they found out she was pregnant. It was cute really.

Oh right, Vincent and Izel also met a few months ago after he had returned from his journey to find some herbs that were only found in a specific region of a country.

Also, the others, Kol, Davina, Rebekah and Marcel were out. Both pairs traveling and exploring the world. That was always their plan. They had just chosen to spend some time with the family when Izel had arrived. Izel had bid them goodbye with promises to keep in touch.

She approached them with a nervous smile on her face,

"Hey. Am I interrupting something?" she asked.

"Izel. No. No. Not at all. Come, sit" Freya answered with a smile.

Keelin nodded along, gesturing for her to sit as well with a smile.

Izel nodded and sat beside Freya.

"So? What was it that you wanted to ask?" Freya added.

"Um..." Izel stuttered.

"You can tell us anything. You know that right?" Freya asked putting a comforting hand on Izel's shoulder.

Keelin nodded along with a smile.

"So... My dreams have changed.." she started.

"Changed how? Did you see more things?" Freya asked.

"Um.. Yeah. I've been seeing a knife and hearing some voices since 2 weeks now.." she replied.

"2 weeks? Why didn't you say so earlier?" Freya asked confused.

"Umm.. I wasn't sure.." Izel replied nervously.

Freya seemed to sense her nervousness and decided to move on, "So, what did you hear? You said you heard voices?"

"Yeah. They said the same thing again and again. First I see the knife and then I hear things like 'Find it' and 'Take it' and then I hear the name 'Malivore' and then it repeats" Izel explained.

"Interesting. What do you think that is?" Freya asked.

"I was hoping you'd tell me that..." Izel replied.

"I don't know if I can help you with this. I have never heard the name Malivore before nor have I seen a black bottomless pit but I can research for you.." Freya replied with a apologetic expression.

"It's fine. And I'll appreciate it. Thanks" Izel replied with a small smile.

"What are you going to do now?" Freya asked when she saw that Izel wasn't going to just stop at her.

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