Part 1: Kisa

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The day was passing normally at Fairy Tail. It was unusually quiet though. Outside the guild, running through the paved streets, was a young girl. She had no idea where she was going, but it didn't matter. One way or another, she'd get to Fairy Tail.

Her brown sandals slapped down on the ground noisily and residents of the area turned to stare. Panting, she never slowed. Finally, someone stopped her. A shopkeeper. After telling her destination, the man steered her in the right direction. Waving her thanks, the girl sped off. Shortly after, she got her first glimpse of Fairy Tail.

The girl had been fruitlessly searching guilds, and she desperately hoped that this would be the right one. Of course, she blamed herself the most. She was searching for someone she knew nothing about. All she knew was a name and that they were a mage. Most importantly, this person was her sibling. She had no other family. Her foster parent, old enough to be a grandparent, had raised her and taught her magic. He'd allowed her to go and search, knowing how important it would be if she actually found this person.

Standing in front of the guild, she was unsure. This was the place. With the possibility of failure in reach, she was nervous. She'd dreamed of her family her whole life. Failure meant extreme disappointment. Entering excitedly, she looks around. The place was alive with chatter. Also, the air had an odd alcohol-like tint to it. Various tables where spread around and people of all shapes and sizes were squeezed in on the table's benches. This definitely most lively guild she'd been too. She could also see another floor, but it was smaller by far.

People had begun to notice her entrance. They didn't look confused at all, only surprised. Near the back of the room was bar. Standing in it was a very pretty woman with pure white hair. Many of the bar stools were empty, so the girl walked over and sat on one awkwardly, suddenly self conscious. The woman walked over to her.

"I don't believe I've seen you before. Are you new here?" The woman asks.

"Y-yeah, I'm looking for someone." She replies, trying to sit up straighter. The woman smiles welcomingly.

"Well, I can help you. I'm Mirajane." The woman, Mirajane, says.

"Thank you! It's really important-," Remembering to introduce herself she adds "I'm Kisa." Mirajane nods and smiles again.

"Who is it that you're looking for?" Mirajane asks. Kisa reaches into the bag she has loosely hanging from her shoulder. She unfolds a piece of paper. Even though she knew the name by heart, she liked to make sure. If she made a mistake, she'd loose the opportunity.

"Natsu." Kisa answers, looking up to see if Mirajane recognizes the name. She clearly does, nodding.

"Yes, he's a member of this guild. I'm afraid he's not here though." Kisa's face falls. "He's on a job. Don't be upset, he'll be back in a few days." Mirajane explains. Kisa grins widely. After almost a two years of searching she'd found the right place.

"That's great! Thanks Mirajane!" Kisa exclaims, practically bouncing in her seat.

"I'm glad to help! You can call me Mira." Mirajane replies, clearly happy Kisa found who she was looking for. "Kisa, you can stay in the guild's dorms until he returns." She offers. Kisa shakes her head.

"I can stay in the hotel." She quickly leaves the guild, beaming. Today was perfect. In a few short days, Kisa would see her brother. Returning to the hotel in the outskirts of town she'd picked out, Kisa wrote a hurried letter to her foster parent, hoping he'd get it soon. Then she slowly unpacked her beat-up suitcase.

Two days later, Kisa returns to Fairy Tail, barely remembering the way. When she enters, the guild members spare her a glance, already accepting her. Kisa hurries to the bar, scuttling onto a bar stool. Mira's there, pouring a drink.

"Kisa." Mira smiles. "It's nice to see you again." Kisa nods, hoping Mira can guess her question. "I'm sorry, Natsu hasn't returned. I hope you aren't in a rush.

"I'm not." Kisa says, but she sounds less enthusiastic. Mira gives Kisa a glass of water and continues bar tending.

Kisa stays at Fairy Tail throughout the day, watching the various mages. They approach her after a while, not bashful at all. Kisa happily tells them her story, and how she's looking for Natsu. One remarks that it isn't surprising that they're related.

"How come?" Kisa asks, now curious.

The commenter, a man with traces of a beard and a mustache and slicked back blue-black hair, replies that they look a lot alike. Kisa grins. She loved hearing about her brother. Now that there was a definite possibility of him being alive, she couldn't hear enough. In her mind, she could see him. The same pink-red hair and brown eyes, older than her of course. Probably taller. Kisa was young as is, but she was shorter than most.

She'd also been told he was a fire mage, a dragon slayer. Kisa had heard of dragon slayers from her foster parent but she'd never see one in action. They were incredibly strong. Kisa didn't view her magic as strong. She thought it was pretty and unique. The thought of fighting didn't occur to her at all. At the end of the day, Kisa made her long journey to the hotel. There, she wasn't surprised that a reply hadn't come from her parent. He lived far away from Magnolia, so far away the letter wouldn't be delivered until at least three more days. Rushing mail cost money though, and that was something Kisa couldn't spare.

She didn't have a job, mostly because she was only twelve. When she went traveling, her parent gave her a good sum of money and a warning to spend it wisely. Kisa was especially low now, which was another reason why she was glad that Fairy Tail was her last stop. She barely had enough money to get a hotel room.

Days passed, all of which Kisa spend at Fairy Tail. She felt accepted there. People had already started to remember her name. They were all friendly, and over half were drunk. Mira had explained that a few members beside Natsu where gone too, they'd all gone as a group. The other ones missing where Lucy, Gray, and Erza. Kisa hadn't asked much about them, she figured she'd learn all she needed to know soon.

Kisa had made her entrance in Fairy Tail five days ago, and her energy was dying. Now she was impatient. Strolling around the city, Kisa wondered what was taking so long. Maybe they're far away and are taking time to get back. They may be all the way back to where her parent lives. Kisa bit her lip and looked in the store windows. Thinking of her parent, she looked at her meager supply of remaining money. She had more that she thought. A present for her parent would be nice.

Kisa just had to find the right store. With a new task in mind, her previous worries dissolved.

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