The reveal.

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This chapter is all in macs pov and it starts right before the teacher falls on her.the photo above is Mac trying to put on eyeliner as a dare. As you can see it ended the exact way she wanted it to.
~they think that words can't hurt you, but to me they're like a gun~

I'm speed walking to the front of the gym when ms.D asks me if the table is up good, I shake my head no and she goes to kick the kick stand, it catches on her leg and she falls sideways and lands on my torso, a muffled cry if pain leaves my mouth but I try to quickly turn it into laughter,she keeps asking me if I'm ok and I keep reassuring that I'm fine, I finally walk away to the front of the gym only limping slightly and see keira was already there

"Did you see what happened?" I ask her

She stifles a laugh and says,"pshhhhhh,no.. Of course not", I glare at her and see her trying hard not to burst out dancing when don't stop believing comes on I let out a squeal and start trying to dance, I'm injured and can't dance as it is and I'm pretty sure I look like a flaming monkey, I probably look embarrassing and I'm just bei-I'm caught off guard mid thought to myself falling over and a hand on my shoulder, I hiss because my legs not in a very comfy position it's all twisted up.. Like my soul.

After a while of dancing I go to get my bag of chips and keira comes with me,after I grab my chips she immediately pulls me away and rushes outside the gym doors into the elementary halls

"I need to tell you something meet me in the bathroom", and with that she runs to the bathroom, confused and curious I follow her to the nearest bathroom and she jumps onto the counter and sighs
I laugh a bit and then speak,"take a deep breath keira", she nods and repeats.
"Mac I can read minds"

I thought slayers couldn't have powers.everything is a lie.she lied. I told her that I was a fire warrior type shit and she didn't tell m- she must have sensed my anger/confusion as she continued
"I've read yours before, it's not on purpose, it's by physical contact and I honestly feel really guilty about not telling you because you told me about your fire powers and I'm sorry."

I walk out.

This chapter was shitty. It will get better and I'll try to update for frequently ^.^

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