Chapter III: The Thin Line Between Love And Cake

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As soon as she was given a room to stay in Pink Heart Castle, Azusa didn't waste time and made a request to the Guard.

"Humm.. could I have a history book ?" She asked with her usual polite and timid manner.

"A history book ?" the guard asked back with a puzzled expression on his face. "Ah, you mean the Book of Many Magical Wonders !!" He said then, as if he was answering to himself. "I'll got you one soon !!". 

The guard left immediately, only to come back some minutes later. Azusa heard him knocking at the door. "Can I come in, Miss Kitty Kitty ?"  

"Yes, please".

The guard entered, holding a plate with a cake and a cup of tea. As soon as he put the plate on the table, he took a small book out from a bag he wear on his left side and gave it to Azusa. 

"Enjoy your book, and suit yourself with your meal: you can't have a good read with an empty stomach !!" The guard chuckled and left again, leaving Azusa alone.

Azusa barely gave a taste to her cake and tea. They were absolutely delicious, but her curiosity about the book was too much. 

What she saw when she opened the first page left her speechless: more than a history book, she found herself reading some kind of illustrated book for children.

The Book of Many Magical Wonders dismissed all the previous thousands years of humanity's history with a sentence: "a time when people used to do many nasty things to each other you'd better not know because the were not cute nor funny at all." 

The Book then describes with magnificent tones the appearance of Hokago Tea Time, the light music band formed by the Three Moenisters and the Moempress herself. It explains how songs like "Rice Is a Dish", "U&I", but most of all "Fuwa Fuwa Time" changed the world with their catchy melodies and beautiful rhymes. 

The story follows with the so-called "Pink Revolution", an ideology that basically revolved around the opinion (which the book stated like a matter of fact) that "thought all colors are nice their own way, pink is by the cutest and coolest of all, therefore there is pretty much no need for the other ones". 

From that point on, the  book focused on the story of the only true savior of the world: the Moempress herself.

It stressed how many brilliant ideas she conceived to make peoples lives happy and carefree. A pivotal part in this was the invention of the Secret Ingredient, a revolutionary type of sugar which made every food taste delicious and didn't make 
people grow fat no matter how much they would eat. 

The Secret Ingredient formula was actually given to all the sugar producers of the world, and the book tells how the Moempress wanted to call it that way just because it was "such cool name and a funny joke at the same time."

Thinking back to her own experience, Azusa realized that she actually saw no fat people so far. Sure, some of them were a little round and chubby, but she never met a single, really overweight person.

The book tells how Yui devised a number of devices to make people have fun even when they were supposed to do things that previously could be considered boring by many: studying and working.
She convinced the whole world that people can do better when they're happy, so she removed many formalities and customs and changed those who remained so they could be funny and cute. 

For example, she suggested that teachers should wear lovely and weird costumes during their classes and entertain their students during the lessons with silly jokes as they explained their subject. When the book describes this part, the name of no other than Sawako Yamanaka (the light music club supervisor) pops out.

"She's always been obsessed with outfits..." She thought, as if the things she was reading could make any sense whatsoever.

Azusa decided to stop reading at some points, trying to come to terms to what she read and absorb all those crazy information. 

"All of this in just seven years? Absurd. Simply absurd." No matter how hard she tried, she was unable to stop having a rational approach in all of this madness. She ate her cake and drank her tea. They were sweet indeed. 

"I'll lie down and rest a bit" she said to herself "who knows, maybe when I'll open my eyes I'll be back home in my own bed. My real bed." 

The sound of the guard knocking the door on her room awoke her. "Miss Kitty Kitty, the Moempress and the others would enjoy to have you at lunch."

"I'm coming" she replied.

"Here comes our Kitty !!" Yui exclaimed, with grains of rice already lying at sides of her mouth. Ui and the others greeted her with a disturbingly similar way. 

She ate some rice, and for the countless time in this delirium, she felt lost: its taste was pretty much the same as the cake she ate earlier. 

"The Secret Ingredient" the answer came in her mind like a flash. And that feeling of loss was soon replaced with a sense of pure worry when she realized that the more she eat, the more she wanted. 

Dish after dish, Yui and the other kept joking and laughing all the time. Azusa felt a sense of heart-warming happiness. It felt beautiful, but terribly wrong at the same time. They weren't the friends she loved and knew, after all. 
Not just Mio and the others, even the guards and the few people she talked to seemed just variations of the same person: Yui the Moempress. All of them, except the mysterious voice.

Eventually, Mio offered to take care of Kitty Kitty and let her have a tour of the city so she could recover her memory faster. Somehow Yui showed a little sign of disappointment, as if she did want her to stay at Pink Heart Castle as long as possible. Realizing that, Ritsu spoke immediately to reassure her beloved leader: "Come on, Yui !! Even when she'll recover her memory, she'll still remain our Kitty Kitty, right ?" She then turned to Azusa and smiled to her with a wink.

"Y-yes !! After all you did for me..." she replied blushing a little.

At that point, Yui jumped from her seat and screamed "Yaaaay !!" throwing her hands up in the air. Her soft, childish voice was even higher than usual. She then started running all around with a big smile on her face, screaming "Wheeee !!" with her arms still high up in the air. Eventually, the run finished with a big hug to Azusa. It felt warm. It felt good. It felt terribly wrong.

The city tour simply confirmed all that Azusa read on The Book of Many Magical Wonders. People all around her were happy, every time, all the time.

"Where did the Moempress go ?" She asked to Mio out of curiosity. 

"Making the world happy, where else ?" she replied with a tone of admiration and gratefulness in her voice and a smile on her face. "Her schedule is very full, you know - and a very flexible one. She might appear in a classroom and stay the whole 
morning with the children as a classmate, or pop out from under the desk of a general store and start selling stickers. She loves to surprise people: she loves it more than anything else. She believes that life is a journey where the most unexpected, wonderful things await you every corner, and nothing makes her happier than being one of those things."

"Sounds very carefree. I'm.. well.. very happy for her." That was the only comment that Azusa could be able to pull off.

"Of course, some of her duties also include fixed appointments" Mio said "like the Hugging Marathon, where she appears in Hugging Square and the people lines up to be hugged by her, or the Weekly Wonder Wheel." 

"The Weekly Wonder Wheel ?" Azusa asked.

"Ah, you really lost your memory, did you ?" Mio replied with a kind smile on her face. "I'm not going to tell you anything, then: I don't want to spoil you the fun !!"

Eventually, the day passed by. There came dinner, where everybody came together again at Pink Heart Castle. This time, though, more friends were there: Sawako the Tailor Queen, the Moempress's trusted general and childhood friend Nodoka Manabe, and finally Jun Suzuki. The scene was pretty much the same: fun, laughter and lots of food with the same, delicious taste. 

Exhausted, Azusa went back to her room. Then again, she wished with all of her strength to awake in her room before she fell asleep. When she opened her eyes again, she wasn't in her castle's room anymore, but she wasn't back home either. She found herself tied up on a chair, in a poorly illuminated room. 

A figure dressed in a black robe was standing before. As soon she spoke, Azusa immediately recognized the mysterious voice she heard that morning: "Did you enjoy your meal, Kitty Kitty ?"

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