Chapter I: Cuteless Whispers & A Tasteful Encounter

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"Ah, the Moempress !!" a man said out loud next to her. Horrified, Azusa watched the man, which was just too busy looking the lovely figure of that young girl with an adoring expression to pay his interloper any more attention. 

"Moempress !?" she thought "who could come up with such a silly name !?". She knew that answer: she knew it too well not to start running and try to awake from that strange dream. Without even realizing, she found herself in a back alley, catching her breath. 
And that's when he heard a feminine voice. The voice was deep and low, but somehow familiar. 

"This is not your dream, my friend: this is my nightmare."

"Where am I !?" she asked to the darkness, since she couldn't locate the origin of the voice "And who are you !?"

"About the first question, it's not about where: it's about when: you are seven years in the future."

"What !?" she asked to the voice.

"Remember the conversation you had with your dear friend about her stupid dream of world domination ? Well, it happened."

"Impossible !!" Azusa cried out of desperation.

"Impossible, you say ? Well, I'll let you realize with your own eyes..." the voice replied mockingly. A second later, Azusa saw a pink T-shirt and pink trousers fall in front of her. "Wear them, and no one will notice you... maybe."

"But..." Azusa was somehow reluctant to do what the voice told her.

"Do it... please. You wanted to know who I am, did you ?"

"Yes !!" Azusa replied, as if she forgot she made that question and remembered suddenly.

"It's too early for that, I'm afraid, but that's one thing I can tell you right now: you're the only person in the whole world who can help me." the woman said, this time with a sad streak in his voice.

"Help you... to do what ?" Azusa asked, possibly more confused than ever.

"To put an end to all of this, Azusa Nakano. To release you, me, and every person of the world from this madness." 

"Amnesia, huh ?" the woman continued before Azusa could ask for details, this time resuming the haughty tone she had before. "I like your style. " She concluded what seemed to be a praise. 

"Keep up with that and you'll be fine. Pretend you forgot everything for all day, and just do what everyone else does." The mysterious woman sounded really reassuring and confident this time. "Before the day ends, I'll get to you and I'll tell you everything... though at that time, I'm sure you'll have heard and seen much more than you wanted to."

This time Azusa felt compelled to do what that voice said. Despite her behavior, she didn't find any reason not to trust her. 

Sure, she has no idea what her plan could have been, but she seemed much more... "aware" than every other person she met in this strange, new world. At least, Azusa saw no reason not to change her clothes to better fit in that weird place.

"Oh, and of course" the voice added "never talk about this conversation with anyone - in any case." The voice tried to sound intimidating, but Azusa perceived a clear streak of worry instead.

"O-Okay" she replied, trying to sound as much convinced as she could. Once she mustered all the resolve she could, she got back outside from the alley.

Then again, her sanity was put to the test. The more she saw, the more she realized what the voice said made sense. Yui's image was literally everywhere, and she was almost always wearing the same outfit: a Traditional Chinese robe, completed by a Traditional Chinese Pigtail Hat. Needless to say, all of these clothes were completely pink with a darker shade of pink to outline them. In each and every image, she was promoting something with the same, childish, slightly dumb yet undeniably adorable smile.

Every street or square she saw has a cafeteria where people was eating, laughing and playing with food all the time. After a while, she assumed that that last practice wasn't just allowed, but actually encouraged. 

At some point, she entered a street and she saw a ridiculous amount of people assembled at the entrance of a restaurant. Unable to suppress her curiosity, she got near a man who was at the end of the group and asked him:

"Hello, kind sir. Can I ask you what's happening ?" she asked timidly and politely.

"This restaurant is opening for the first time, and you know what? The Moester Chef is promoting the event by cooking herself !!" the man was surely more than forty years-old, but he seemed excited like a kid at the amusement park.

"Can you believe it ? We can eat food made from the Moempress little sister and personal cook herself !!" a young man added with the same excitement.

"Here she comes !!" A woman screamed.

At that point, an adult Ui, dressed with a pink chef uniform, emerged from the restaurant.

With a big smile on her face, she spoke to the people waiting: "Thanks to you all for coming !! I apologize for having you all waiting for a meal. At this moment, the restaurant is full, so I beg you all to return later or tomorrow." 

"Ooooh...!!" all the people waiting said in unison to express their disappointment.

"In order to apologize, I made some biscuits for each one of you!!"

This time the mob answered with a cheerful scream. "Yaaay !!!"

Eagerly, but in a respectful and polite manner, everyone of them took a biscuit right from Ui's hands. Many of them were unable to suppress the emotion, and Azusa could see an expression of joy in their eyes on their way back. None of them ate their biscuit the moment they got it: they just walked away holding it in their hands instead, as if they wanted to savor the pleasure of receiving it more that its actual taste. 

Eventually, Azusa's turn arrived and this time around, it was Ui's face to look surprised and excited to the point that her hand was trembling:

"Azu-nyan... is that YOU !?" she said to her. Before she could answer, Ui continued "No, of course not. You're too young to be her. But still..." the one they called Moester Chef seemed to have something in mind, but her own emotions blocked her somehow.

Azusa took her biscuit before Ui would definitively crumble it without even realizing. "Can I do something for you ?" she asked to that adult version of her friend. 

"I..." she said hesitant" I'd like you to meet someone. Someone very, very special." She paused for a second, then added  

"No. Not just very special..." Azusa felt Ui was still trying to correct herself and didn't interrupt her "...the most special person in the whole world. I'd like you to meet the Moempress."

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