2 Pokemon Exist?

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"Any idea what the girl's name is?" Bruce asks, stitching up the girl's wounds with eyes glaring at him from every angle.

"This girl has no existence in any of the databases around the world. She's absolutely positively no where to be found," Tony informs.

"Can you please tell us her name?" Bruce asks, looking toward the canine.

"I do not decide that. She can tell you. She can decide if she will tell you or not," the canine repeats what he's been saying for the past hour.

"You really piss me off," Tony admits.

"I'm not trying to impress," the canine says.

Bruce and Clint laugh at Tony's shocked and annoyed expression.

"Does anyone else see this monkey giving me the evil eye?" Clint questions, looking sideways at the monkey. The monkey huffs out a little fire. "Seriously, can someone do something? I don't want to be incinerated."

Natasha and Steve walk into the room.

"I think I'd rather see that," Natasha says.

"Haha, very funny!" Clint says sarcastically.

The bird is perched above everyone on a ledge, watching everything from above.

Agents brought in lots of large beds and long couches for the creatures to lay or sleep on. Sitting on one of the couches was the monkey, propping its head up on its arm and leaning on the armrest. Laying on one of the beds was the lion, keeping its eyes open observing everything. The canine is standing next to the girl's bed, watching all the movements Bruce makes. The squirrel is on the bed with the girl, cuddled under the uncut arm fast asleep. The eagle is watching what Steve is doing.

Tony has millions of different screens up of scans of the creatures and all sorts of other things. Natasha is leaning next to the entrance to the room. Thor got news of some trouble in Asgard and is currently smashing something with his hammer. Bruce is tending to the girl. Steve is on another couch, that the monkey wasn't on, with his sketch book, drawling said monkey.

The monkey looks over at Steve. Steve jumps a little, hoping not to get blasted by its flames. "Sorry, can I draw you?" Steve asks. The monkey looks at him and snorts out what seems to be a little laugh and turns his head back to look at the girl. Steve takes it as a yes and continues to draw the monkey. Steve takes notice to how the monkey's large flame on its head is laying against the couch and not somehow setting the couch on fire. How is that possible?

Clint climbs up to where the bird is to observe everything from above too. The bird doesn't turn his head to him until he says something. "Can I hang with you?" Clint asks the bird. The bird looks uncertain at first but eventually nods. "Thanks."

The bird turns its head back to observe everything. Clint pushes himself up on the scaffold and tries to sit far away from the bird. That plan doesn't work so well because the scaffold is small, so Clint ends up right next to the bird. The bird doesn't turn its head but gives him a side glance.

Now getting a good look at the birds they can describe what they look like more.

The bird has small, red eyes and a thin, orange beak with a black tip. There is a small circular white patch on its forehead. Larger white markings cover the front of its throat and chest, separated by a black ruff encircling the shoulders. A blue-tipped, black crest extends over its head, nearly reaching the tip of its beak. It has large wings, five black-tipped tail feathers, and orange feet with black talons.

The eagle has blue feathers on its back and black feathers on its underside. Its tail feathers are blue, turning to yellow, and then red at the tips. Its legs are long and thick with yellow feet that each have a digit facing backward, and three facing forward. Each digit is tipped by a short, thick, black claw. It has a long, thick beak with a red cere. On either side of the cere are it's eyes, which are black with small white pupils. Sprouting from above the eyes are three large, white feathers. At the base of the feathers is a blue, three-pointed design that is spread across all three feathers. On each side of it's face, sprouting out from behind the feathers on its forehead, are an additional three white feathers pointing horizontally and downward. Behind the three feathers on its head is a large plume of white feathers, extending most of the way down its neck.

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