Baby Pokemon and Sad Memories

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Chapter 14

Baby Pokemon and Sad Memories

The next day, Sunday...

The students have the day off every Sunday to do whatever they pleased. During the week they went to normal school instead of the institute. Every Saturday they would have school at the institute. The institute doesn't give homework, but helps with the homework for normal school. The institute gives out classwork based on the things they are doing in normal school. The only tests at the institute are from Logan in the danger room. Mesprit and Azelf are gone before Angel wakes up to go search for their last sister, Uxie.

Miranda wakes up to Lucario right beside her. It's always been like that, so she's not surprised by it. She smiles and pets his head. He pushes his face into her hand comfortingly and slowly opens his eyes.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Miranda says.

"It is weird, is it not? That all the others are not with us?" Lucario asks sleepily.

"It is weird. I'm not used to it," Miranda says and laughs.

"Do you think we will ever get home?" Lucario asks.

Miranda becomes silent. "Do you really wanna go back home?" she asks.

"We must," Lucario says.

"Okay, let me rephrase that. Not what we must do but what you want to," Miranda says.

"I love to see you happy. Being here you look a lot happier. But also we are causing trouble for others. As much as it makes me happy seeing you happy, we must return home sometime," Lucario says. {Even if this place is growing on me...}

"You should really just say that you like being here, instead of giving little hints like that. You never express what you truly want," Miranda says.

Lucario looks at her with shock. "Whatever..." he says and gets up from the bed. "When the time comes we will return home no matter what happens."

"I know, I know. You know I didn't make you my pokemon to become a mother for me," Miranda says and laughs.


Flashback about 5 years ago... (A year after Miranda became a pokemon trainer)

A trainer with two Lucario's, one boy and one girl, decided he wanted a Riolu, so he sent them to a day care. Not long after there was an egg. The trainer withdrew the two Lucario's and awaited the day that the egg would hatch. Finally the day he was waiting for comes and the egg hatches, revealing a little Riolu. Except this Riolu was special. He had a disability, that his leg will always be broken. The trainer, not wanting a pokemon that won't be any good in battles, decided to release him out into some nearby woods. The little Riolu was devastated and tried as he could, to chase after the trainer, he could not. The trainer disappeared and never came back for him.

Days pass and pass with other trainers catching the little Riolu, but once they all realized of his leg they released him. His attitude turned into one of disgust and hatred. The little Riolu didn't trust people and steered clear of them as much as possible. He figured out a system to walk faster, being on all three legs while leaving the broken one straight out behind him.

The days continue to pass with him being caught and then released. This happened so much that he lost count of how many times he has been caught and released.

The word spread around about him. One day some trainers were talking about the little Riolu in the pokemon center, about how one of them caught and released him because of his leg, and a certain particular girl with galaxy eyes and long silver hair overheard them. She walked up to them and asked where it was that they saw him. They told her not to bother with Riolu, that he's worthless. Then the girl got mad and said that he was a worthless pokemon trainer. The trainer then got mad and challenged her to a pokemon battle.

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