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"Guys~ I've gotten some interesting news!" Jackson sang as he entered the living room.

Everyone was gathered there watching some drama that Jackson missed the first episode of, and every time he tried to catch up, the others just continued watching without waiting on him. As a punishment he threatened to move out of the apartment, which was an overdramatic threat that everyone knew he wouldn't go through with, but Jackson thought it was pretty reasonable for such betrayal.

He didn't really care much about the show as he entered the living room though, as his excitement over the news he was about to share pulled everyone's attention away from the TV. "So apparently, two of our adorable members decided to have sex!"

"Um, that's like all of us dude." Jaebum pointed out.

"Yeah like, are you talking about me and Youngjae? I mean we finished a long time ago, I was sure no one heard us..." BamBam rubbed his chin as he looked over at Youngjae who shrugged in response.

"Ew no. Not you guys..." Jackson grumbled with a face of disgust.

"Are you talking about me and you?" Jinyoung questioned. "I mean, I am the most adorable member, but we decide to have sex all the time, why is it suddenly an important announcement?"

"You are absolutely adorable, but no, not us." Jackson answered with the roll of his eyes. "Mark and Yugyeom dummies, that's who."

"Wait a sec, we're not gonna just skip over you calling Jinyoung adorable and not me." Youngjae stated with arms folded over his chest.

"You're both adorable alright?" Jaebum interjected before any fights broke out over a simple compliment. "Now, go on with what you were saying Jackson?"

"Well Yugyeom told me that he fucked Mark, they both wanted to try it out and they both liked it. He wanted some reassurance that they didn't do something bad, so I told him that I was proud!" Jackson explained, pretending to wipe a tear from his cheek. "Our boys are getting so independent!"

"Hm, I wonder why they decided to try it now. I mean they could've done it all along." Youngjae pondered.

BamBam shrugged. "Maybe they were just hesitant. Y'know, They're so used to us being there to tell them what to do, they didn't know how to do it by themselves until they finally tried it."

"Possibly." Jaebum nodded, also wondering why now after all this time the two decided to finally try it. "But they've done sexual things together before, maybe it was just another one of their experimental moments or something."

"Either way, they've proven that they can do this stuff on their own. They kinda don't need out guidance anymore." Jackson stated.

Youngjae frowned at the statement. "But, what about the lessons then? If they're gonna start doing stuff on their own, and there's nothing left to teach them, what's our excuse gonna be when we wanna fuck them?"

"Do we even need excuses anymore? I mean, we can pretty much just ask them to fuck and 98% of the time they'll say yes, so there's no problem with that." Jinyoung replied.

Jaebum nodded in agreement. "And we can still teach them stuff. There's tons of sexual shit out there that we haven't touched on because we wanted to keep things mild for them. But at this point, I don't see why we can't go further."

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