10 - Liam

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Kiona's POV

+ not edited

Jackson groans from the passenger side of the suv we were in. Yea so, that explosion was Jackson's car and if he didn't make me get out, I would've been gone. Jackson saves the day again.

My bookbag! I know I shouldn't be talking shit after he's saved my life twice but, I couldn't help it.

"You sir, owe me a new bookbag and laptop." I say slouching in my seat. Next to me was Luca and Adrian was driving.

"They were both janky anyway." He says glancing at me through the mirror. "Please tell me you got the shipments, all of it." He says talking to Adrian.

"Yes, it's all in Liam's car." Adrian says in a bored tone. I probably sound like a thot right now but Liam was also extremely fine. His tattoos covered his light brown clear skin all over. At least the parts where I could see. He kind of scares me though, his face is always serious and makes no move to talk.

The rest of the drive was silent, and I couldn't wait to see my children to take my mind off of things.

When I said I don't run willingly, I meant not for fun, and not if I don't have to. However, seeing my dogs was different. I sprint into the house greeting my dogs as they all run to me and bark happily. I open the sliding door letting them out in the backyard and run around in the yard with them forgetting about everything.

Jackson's POV

"Fuck." I sigh getting a water bottle out of the fridge. I run my hands through my hair wanting to pull it all out. I really could never have a nice peaceful day, there was always some bullshit.

"I know you peeped that though." Luca comes into the kitchen laughing alongside Liam.

"The hand? I sure did." Liam responds laughing so hard that he was clapping.

"If y'all are talking about what I'm thinking, then hell yea." Adrian comes into view a moment later. They all stop laughing along seeing me, and then burst into laughter again.

"What?" I question closing the bottle. They all stand in front of me not saying anything like the three stooges. I gesture with my hands for one of them to explain.

"Well..." Adrian starts. "You're going to deny it so nothing."

I shake my head, "Whatever just tell me." I mumble out even though I will regret asking later.

"So...ahem." Luca fake coughs and they all burst into laughter again. "We were just talking about how you wrapped your arm around Kiona or as you refer to her, babydoll." Luca says slowly so he doesn't start laughing again.

I roll my eyes looking at all of them. "Y'all are children. I just wrapped my arm around her?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yea and looks like you wanted to do some more things, but we won't talk about that." Adrian snorts.

"You sure you're still just 'protecting' her?" Luca questions putting his hands in his pockets. I glance out of the window seeing her run around with her pests.

I nod. "Yes Luca I'm sure."

"Ok then." Luca says putting his hands up like he's surrendering. "You wanna watch something?" He asks. I nod, really needing a distraction. We all move to the couch as Luca flicks through the channels

"I'm just saying, she's cute and unique, and has some flavor. Shiii, if you don't want her, I do." Liam speaks up. "She kinda thick too. And is the opposite of all the females y'all usually have over. I mean look, darkskin, has what seems like a million different piercings, changes her hair frequently, and speaks her mind shit I want her."

"I smell facts." Luca says fake sniffing the air making Adrian laugh. I crack a smile looking outside the window and then cover it with a cough. I don't want a relationship, I didn't need a relationship, they always go wrong in someway.

"Alright calm down." I tell Liam and he raises an eyebrow at me. He mutters an alright laying back on the couch. Luca puts on his favorite show getting so hype over it. Criminal minds? Again? I start drifting off to sleep before I smell something extremely foul in my face and it was breathing on me.

I open my eyes to the smallest pest on my lap. I jump up immediately and he jumps off of me. I start coughing just to be dramatic. "Your kid's breath stinks so bad." I say looking at her. She just laughs picking Milo up.

"You're just being dramatic, drama queen." She says grinning. Her smile. I keep myself from staring, her smile was so bright. Uh yea I need to stop myself. Liam was right she was fucking beautiful, and she had put in and new ear piercing. It was gold and it was an industrial piercing bar.

"Fuck." I mutter to myself hoping that no one would hear it but she does.

"What?" She questions tilting her head.

"Uh nothing, nothing." I run my hand through my hair moving it outta my face. She only furrows her brows more watching me. I look back at Luca, Adrian, and Liam seeing them laugh. I glare at them and they stop.

I had to get my mind off of things. I needed a really cold long shower. I shake my thoughts away walking away without saying anything. Or maybe I needed to get laid tonight...

"Don't forget about my bookbag and laptop!" She shouts as I walk up the stairs.

"Alright alright." I mumble feeling myself smile as she laughs.

She was fucking with my head.


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