41 - Childish

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Kiona's POV

+ not edited

"Jackson. I'm gon beat your ass." I say walking down the stairs slowly.

"What I do?" He says sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee.

"Why would you try to work out today. You got shot yesterday Jackson! You're going to fuck around and then you're gonna need more time to heal." I scold.

"I don't see a problem, I need to stay strong. And plus I don't even feel the pain anymore." He shrugs.

"I will stick my finger in your wound." I threaten. "Jackson, you're stressing me out. Can you stop and listen?"

"So you gon sit ya ass down. You act like you didn't get shot not even 24 hours ago and you are already pushing yourself too hard." I start rambling and he just stares at me, his eyes flickering down to my lips every once in awhile. I hated that so much.

"I don't see why it's that big of a deal—"

"You're in so much pain right now but you're not going to show it because you dont want to seem weak. Fuck all that you're not fine, and we just want you to chill out for a little. We don't want you to push yourself too hard." I say frowning.

He stands up slowly now towering over me. He doesn't say anything as his eyes continue to flicker between my eyes and lips as I talk.

He grabs my neck softly and begins to kiss me. Fuck. I love kisses like this and that's why he did it. He pulls away and I glare at him.

"That shits not working as an apology anymore Jackson." I glare.

"What about a new car?"

"Maybe you should uhmm listen."

"I love you."

"Fuck off."

"Fuck me." He laughs loudly.

"You're so frustrating." I say as he sits down on the couch dropping hid crutches."

"I know right? I've been telling him this for years." Adrian walks in smacking Jackson's head.

"Periodt hood side!" Liam says in a higher voice making me slightly laugh.

"This is literally the only time you're getting away with that," Jackson says struggling to pick a crutch up and throw it. Adrian was already down the hallway by then though.

He felt helpless and he hated it. He was always on his feet, did everything himself and never got the chance to actually take a break. Well now this was the time. He didn't want help from us, he felt like he was asking for too much.

"Jackson." I sat sternly now standing in front of him. His blue eyes peer up at me innocently.

"Ok babydoll, I promise I'll rest." He puts his hands up in surrender.

"I'm taking your crutches." I say picking both of them up.

"Really? Where are you going?" He asks turning around.

I shrug. "If I see you trying to work out or drive I swear Jackson." It was an empty threat, but he seemed to have piped down. I walk down the hallway to Adrian's room knocking on the door.

I hear a faint 'come in' so I walk in. "Hide these from Jackson, don't let him use them." I hand the crutches to him.

"He's going to threaten my life, if I die over some crutches Kiona, my spirit is going to haunt you." He deadpans. She

"You're so dramatic shut up." I walk out and back to the family room where Jackson was now laying. "I'll be back soon." I say kissing his forehead.

"Noo," he drags out like a little kid pulling my hand back to him.

"I'm going to the mall I'll be back." I say and he pouts.

"Can I go?" He tries. "Ok well take your gun and take somebody. I don't want you there by yourself." He says and I nod.

I go back to Adrian's room dragging him out with me. "Change of plans you're going to the mall with me and we're giving the crutches to Liam."


"Adrian?" I call out in the Zumies store. I walk around the corner and he shoos me away. He was talking, well flirting with a guy. I give him a thumbs up smiling widely.

I began to browse some more picking up some more clothes before paying and heading out. Adrian runs out of breath beside me. "I got his number." He says doing a little dance which makes me laugh.

"Text him." I say walking in the direction of the food court.

"No! I gotta wait at least 5 days before I do." He says like it was obvious.

"No he's gonna think you forgot about him!" I counter and he shrugs.

"Ok tomorrow, I'll text tomorrow." He says and I agree. I got Jackson subway since he was all about eating healthy and then I got 4 boxes of pizza for the house. Adrian, Luca, and Liam have their own box. I don't know why I got myself a whole box like I was going to eat it all. Let's just say 4 at max. Adrian takes his box into his room immediately leaving the others on the table.

"Finally!" Jackson exaggerates.

"We weren't even gone that long." I say walking over to him.

"Yea but I wanted you with me." He says grinning. I scrunch my face. "Are you going to do that every time I make you smile?" He asks chuckling and I nod.

"Here." I say handing him the subway bag. I sit next to him with a plate of pizza. Opposites.

He downed his sandwich in like three minutes where I was on my second slice. He grabs the other slice off my plate, eating it all too quickly.

I glare at him. "What happened to healthy eating?" I ask sarcastically and he shrugs.

"I stopped eating healthy when I ate you. Wanted some sugar and I got it. You taste sweet, like so good. Let's say better than cotton candy—." He says and I cut him off.

"Shut the hell up, you're so dumb." I couldn't help but laugh as he chuckles.

"Kiona Rae James!" I hear Liam shout.

"What?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"Jackson tried to kill me over his crutches. This is emotional distress, I'm taking you to court." He says dramatically.

"Jackson Scott Taylors! What did I tell yo ass about tryna be active. So how'd you get to his room?" I ask standing up,

"I crawled." He shrugs. Of course.

"That's why yo name basic ass hell, parents got fed up and used google and used the first name that came up." Liam grumbles and Jackson sighs loudly.

"Ok Liam." Jackson snorts. These niggas childish as hell.

"All y'all names are basic as hell shut up!" I silence them. "Now, apologize Jackson."

"Apologize? What's that mean?" He says acting childish. Liam runs over to him slapping the back of his head and then runs back to his room. He glares at me then lays back down on the couch.

"Do I need to follow you around the whole damn day Taylors?" I place my hands on my hips.

"I like when you call me by my last name. It's sexy as hell, but when I start calling you Mrs. Taylors, ooh!" He gets excited and squeals. That's so cute oh my.

"You won't be calling me that if you don't start listening Jackie,"

Then, his face turns into a scowl

Lowkey been writing a new book just cuz, and i wrote it for all da freaks😗 so I don't know when I'll actually post it tho, prolly after this book is over

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