24 - Embarrassing

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Kiona's POV

+ not edited

Yesterday was an eventful day. Went on a date and made out and got ate out...Yeaa. Oh my.

After our first kiss I was wanting to do it again and again. Now that I got ate out I wanted him to do it again. I was getting addicted. I woke up right as his head left my chest. Damn I still really can't believe that happened. He woke up with a fucking smirk, this bitch.

I roll my eyes pushing the covers off of me. I tried to get up but he put his arm around my waist holding me down. "Jacksonn." I whine and he smirks into my side.

"Don't try and hide your face babydoll." His voice was deep and raspy, oh fuck.

"Lemme get up." I say prying his arms from my waist. He groans tightening his hold, then letting go.

"At this point just move into my room." He chuckles as I walk out. I brushed my teeth and all that then I went back to his room. He wasn't in there so I went downstairs.

Adrian is the first to start smirking at me followed by Liam and Luca. "What fuckers?" I question them.

"Next time be quieter." Luca laughs.

"Jeez I could barely sleep." Adrian says. Embarrassing. I was ready to crawl in a hole and die.

"Shiiid, would've thought y'all were making a porn video with all that."

"Maybe we did." Jackson shrugs winking at me. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Fuck off, I still have my card." I say proudly taking a box of cereal off the fridge.

"Woah respect, damn that's a long time without dick. I would know, but like that's gotta be torture right?" Adrian furrows his eyebrows.

"Wait really? I lost mine at 14." Liam says and my eyes go wide. If any of my sister lose their virginity at 14, I'm beating their asses.

"Wait what I'm hearing is, all that noise was because he gave you head." Luca starts cracking up laughing to the point where he starts crying. I begin to walk off hearing Jackson speak.

"To be fair it's me, and my head game is pretty fire."

"Or it's cause she's probably never gotten head before, she has nothing to compare it to..."

I head upstairs. That was beyond embarrassing, I'm not leaving my room ever again. I started overthinking everything again and it was fucking with my mind. I know he seemed genuine and all but like his words but when I walked away made me think that he just wanted me for that. It's not true, at least I don't think it's true but the voices in my head were talking. I sound crazy as hell right now.

I started thinking about last night and it made me hot. I cross my legs but that didn't help, my thighs were rubbing together. I really had to get my mind off off that.

He walks into my room closing it. "You're not embarrassed are you?" He asks wrapping anarm around my waist as I lay against the headboard. I shake my head no even though I was.

I'd get over it especially because I was close with them and. He cuddles into my side watching me type my paper. I knew college was a lot but a 20 page paper? I did procrastinate but still it was a lot! At least I didn't have to do it for calc, it was  for my main software class.

I completed my minor last year surprisingly. I took a lot of classes last year and I'm glad that I got it out the way.

"11 pages? The hell?" Jackson mumbles into my side. "Glad I didn't go to uni."

"Shut up you didn't have a choice." I laugh and he says 'true'.

"Ok but still I would've went if I didn't get put in charge at that moment but I would've dropped out seeing this shit." He says kissing my collarbone. I shiver making him chuckle.

"Bitch it's cold, you don't affect me." I lie starting to laugh.

"I don't affect you? You want me to mention last night because it seems I have a major affect on you." He says.

"I was faking for your sake duh," I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Wanna test that again? Let's see how well you 'fake' again." He challenges making me shiver again.

"Boy, get outta my face."

"Nah I'm comfortable right here."

"Your big ass head making my titty fall  asleep." I say moving his head to the pillow.

"Wow... that's crazy." He says taking my laptop moving his head there in its place.

"Wow you're needy." I mumble under my breath starting to play in his hair. He sighs in content closing his eyes with a grin.

"That feels good."

"If your big ass head falls asleep on me I swear."

"Yea mmhm." He says. I shut my laptop because I knew I was going to fall sleep if he did. It was only 12.


"No get out I have to study and finish this paper." All of the guys except Jackson walk in confusing me.

"Wow we didn't even say what we wanted." Adrian scoffs dramatically and I give him a pointed look.

"Y'all don't even want anything." I started continuing my paper. 14/20 pages done, at this point I think I was repeating myself.

"Damn you're right, we don't, but we got bored." Liam

"Nigga y'all acting like this house doesn't have a gun range or arcade room or movie room," I say clicking to another document so that I could finish my speech as well.

"Eh, it's all boring now." They collectively agree.

"Go handle y'all's gang business?" I say.

"Oh shit, we gotta go to the port!" Luca says running out of my room and everyone dramatically follows.

"This is why we fucking love you Ki!" I hear Adrian shout. I mean whatever gets rid of them. I had too much shit to work on with very little time. The graduation was on a fucking Thursday, weird and in the middle of March.

It was Saturday and finals were Tuesday. This paper is due tomorrow. Procrastination at its finest!

I wanted to get it done. All of it.


"Why are you up at this ungodly hour." Jackson comes into my room.

"Oh didn't notice." I say typing my conclusion.

"Babydoll it's 3 in the morning."

"Mhmm." I mumble.

"I was waiting for you."

"That's cute. I'll be in soon." I tell him but he lays down next to me anyway. He groans his eyes fluttering closed as soon as he laid on his stomach and draped his arm over my stomach.

Twenty minutes later I had my finished and revised 20 page paper. I was so happy to hit submit and never do that shit again. Closing my laptop, I move Jackson's arm from around me.

"Jackson, get up." I whisper but he continues to sleep. I shake him but I just said fuck it and got a cover to put over us. When I said my sleep schedule was off... I really meant it. Sliding under the big comforter that I put over us, I fell asleep almost immediately.



I love reading yalls comments, they make my day lmao

This book is growing so fast ahhh 💜 16k already !!

I want to write some drama in here, but it won't happen for a few more chapters. Also, I've been reading a lot of books and they all have sad endings and it breaks my heart so I don't think I'll have a sad ending.

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