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It has been a couple of days since the interview and I'm headed to a meeting that Andre is hosting so we can talk about the next step we are going to take. 

I get in my car and drive there with the kids so they can spend some time with Hakeem. I arrive and take the kids to the daycare that Kingsley made for them and then I head to the conference room. 

"I saw the interview you didn't tell the story," I hear Hakeem say.

"Yeah it just felt wrong to use our daughter as a way to get sympathy and as it turns out I'm still not ready to let people into our lives like that you know," Tiana says with a sad smile on her face.

"I get it and you got them to stop being haters by giving your side of the story and I'm proud of you for that," Hakeem says smiling.

"Thanks," I say smilling.

I seat down and Andre starts talking.

"So Tiana's image is being restored, but we need to do some more damage control and what better way to do that then to put out a fire song," I smile and nod my head in approval. 

"I will get right on that," I say 

"Good Bring it to me when you're done so I can approve it."

 "Ok now I would like to inform you all that Hakeem is going to be playing Lucious in the new Empire movie but were still trying to find a new cookie since my Mom doesn't like the current one so if you know anyone that would be good for the role then please tell them to audition." 

" That will be all for today and thank you for your time."

I get up and walk over to Keem.

"Congratulations on the role," I say smiling. 

He turns around and smile at me "Thank you I can't wait to start filming."

"When do you start?" I say 

"Next week actually and I was hoping to take the kids with me."

"What? Why?" I say with a confused look on my face.

"Yeah I'm going to be in Philly for a couple of months shooting and I can't be away from them for that long" Keem says with a sad look. 

"I get that but you're going to be on set most of the time so you won't be spending that much time with them and that means there going to be with a stranger most of their time there and I don't want that Keem so I think it would be best if they stay here with me."

"Yeah I wasn't thinking about that its just I'm going to miss them" Keem says with a sad face.

"I get it and I'm sorry," says Tiana.

"Its cool I'm going to get the kids and head home," Keem says as he walks away. 

"ok bye," I say as I head over to the studio.


Hey yall I know it has been awhile since I've updated and that was because I had to give my full attention to school since I had a bunch of projects and essays due but now I have time during this break to finally update.

 I've already written a lot of chapters in my story book I just haven't had time to sit down and write them on here but I'm going to be uploading a new chapter everyday for the next couple of days so stay tuned and thank you for understanding. 

I know this update is really short so I'm going to try and make the others longer.

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